Seat - Full Manual (-arabesque) Flashcards
What are the key components of setup in kneeling seat?
- Mini mat 5-10 inches away from the wall
- Knees hip width apart
- Any grip that’s comfortable
- (If on profile) Inside shoulder 1-2 inches from bar, any hand position is fine
If you do kneeling seat facing on profile, which leg should be the working leg?
Can do either as a variation
What are the required stretches after kneeling seat?
- Hamstring stretch (one leg up on the wall)
- Glutes stretch (shin over shin)
*Only stretch the side you just worked
Can you give kneeling seat in the same class as knee dancing?
What are the modifications for kneeling seat?
- Students with sensitive knees can do standing seat (orient them the same way as everyone else and have them do the same choreo)
- Use two mini mats
What are the challenges for strong students in kneeling seat?
Work with their working side foot flexed. Make sure toes are turned down rather than out to the side.
What are the foot/leg options for diagonal seat?
- Parallel or wide V feet for setup
- Working leg straight and working leg bent (either parallel or turned out leg depending on foot setup)
- Toes either pointed or flexed (in straight leg diagonal seat, give half the exercise with toes each way)
What is the order of setup in diagonal seat?
- Stand an arms length away from the bar
- Soften your knees
- Hinge forward at your hips (at a 45 degree angle)
- Extend your working leg diagonally behind you
- Grip your glutes and roll them under your spine
Where should the working leg be in diagonal seat?
At least 8-10 inches behind the standing leg, ideally more
When can you give bends and partial extensions of the standing leg in diagonal seat?
In parallel with working knee at 90 degrees. 8-40 reps per leg total, two count or on tempo.
What are the rules for teaching diagonal seat hops?
- Wide V only
- 8 on tempo presses straight back
- Move leg out to the side, 8 on tempo lifts out to the diagonal
- Cue students to make the arc with their foot
Do these on tempo
What are the modifications for diagonal seat?
- Tall or petite can work at stall bar
2. Hip or knee sensitivity can switch legs halfway through
Diagonal seat is a good modifier to give to pregnant women instead of which exercises?
Fold over, waterski seat, arabesque
What are the challenges for strong students in diagonal seat?
Straighter working leg/more turnout in hips depending on setup, deeper bend in knees and great posture
When can you use a ball between the thighs in seat?
Never! Use a mini mat folded in half
Which seat exercises need an immediate stretch after each leg worked?
Pretzel, arabesque, kneeling seat
Which exercises can you wait until both legs have stretched to give a stretch?
Fold over, standing seat, diagonal seat, waterski seat