Seat - Fundamentals Flashcards
What are the rules for demoing seat?
When students are facing into the bar, don’t demo. When students are on profile, demo.
What are the rules for giving circles in seat work?
Outward circles only - out, down, in (as opposed to in, down, out)
Which seat exercises have special stretches?
Pretzel and kneeling seat
Which exercises require a pull away stretch?
Exercises focused on hamstrings for >50% of the time,
arabesque (because of contraction of upper back), waterski seat, zinger (??), and foldover
Which exercises require a figure 4 stretch?
Exercises focused on the gluteus medius, e.g. turned out foldover
What are the rules for combining two seat exercises in one class?
Can combine two facing in, two facing out, two diagonally facing in or on profile and a diagonally facing in exercise, or two on profile seat exercises.
Why can’t you combine an on-profile seat with a not on-profile seat?
Confusing for which leg to use on second side
When can and can’t you give a zinger?
Can give before or after any seat exercise except:
- Pretzel on profile or at the center of the room
- Waterski seat (already works upper back and arms)
- Any on-profile seat that would require a lot of left and right re-arranging
What are the guidelines for students who choose to modify by doing standing seat?
Orient them the same direction as other students
Which 5 seat exercises require an immediate stretch after working each leg?
Pretzel, arabesque, kneeling seat, waterski seat, zinger, in beginners classes
For which 3 seat exercises do you have the option to wait until both sides are finished to give a stretch?
Fold over, standing seat, diagonal seat
What is the consequence of overbending the standing knee in standing seat?
Lose the tuck
What are the safety restrictions for standing seat?
- When working leg is straight, standing leg is straight; when working leg is bent, standing leg is bent
- Feet in narrow V or parallel (never wide V or legs together)
- Option to lift standing heel for one minute during soft knee standing seat with parallel legs (not during narrow V or straight leg standing seat)
When can you offer the option to releve in standing seat and what are the guidelines?
You can give students the option to releve for up to one minute in soft-knee, parallel variations: on profile standing seat, facing into the bar at half an arm’s distance away, and facing away from the bar in hamstring version
What are the tempo guidelines for standing seat?
Any tempo except very fast
What three things can you do with a one point tuck?
Turn working hip forward, press students hip to be down and level, tuck the student with back hand
What is the benefit of standing seat?
Actively stretches front side muscles (hips, shoulders, quads) while working your back side (glutes and hamstrings)
What are the implications for the tuck on someone with an anterior pelvic tilt?
They have tight low back muscles and weak hamstrings. This means they will probably also have weak abs and thigh hip flexors.
Don’t over give this person tuck HOAs.
Her working leg may be slightly forward than her hip. Look to see that glutes and hamstrings are engaged.
What are the implications for the tuck on someone with less lumbar curvature?
Because they have less S curve, their spine will be in a posterior tilted position. They’ll have long, weak hip flexors with tight hamstrings and weak low back muscles. They will overtuck. Look to see that abs are engaged and glutes gripped.
How do you modify standing seat for a student with hip pain?
If lessening the tuck doesn’t help, face the bar, hold on with wide arms, center weight over legs and change legs every minute or so.
What are the two foot positions for foldover?
Parallel or wide V
What is the order of triage in foldover?
Distance from the bar, overhand grip, torsos that aren’t horizontal, straight standing knees
What does the swoosh adjustment do?
Lower torsos and lift legs
What are the safety restrictions for fold over?
- Once students’ standing legs are extended and still on the floor, tell them to draw their navel upwards and exhale sharply 4 times.
- Soft standing leg to protect lower back and hamstrings
- Standing foot flat (no releve)
What are the safety restrictions for pretzel?
- Use the words “diagonal” or “45 degree angle” to describe how torso should tilt away from working leg/ 2. Give students risers to help with hips, knees and lower back.
How should students with sensitive hip flexors modify foldover?
Lift torso up slightly
What are the setup rules for turned out foldover?
Teach in a wide V only.
When switching from parallel to wide V or vice versa, tell students to release and reposition their feet on the floor then have them re-lift their leg
What are the safety restrictions for foldover?
- Soft standing leg
- Standing foot flat (no releve)
- Can work with working hip slightly higher (3/4 inch) than standing hip if it’s more comfortable
What should petite students do in fold over?
Step farther away from the bar and lower their head. They can also work at a stall bar. They CANNOT use a riser because it’s not stable.
What are the feet options in foldover (both in setup and when working)?
Parallel or wide V; pointed or flexed
What are the working leg options in foldover?
Straight, soft, or bent; can also use a mini mat in half or a ball behind working knee
You can do one or two “sets” of fold-over for each leg. If you do two, what are the rules?
Have students lower their legs to reset. When you do two, you have the choice of doing both sets on one leg then the other, or of doing one set on both legs then the other set on both legs.
If you give bends and partial extends of the standing leg in foldover, what are the rules?
In parallel leg position only. Bend knee no more than one inch. Do this in two count or on tempo only.
Why can’t you square hips in foldover?
Can overstretch hamstrings on the standing side, which can put pressure on the standing side hip and cause the working leg to drop
What are the modifications for foldover?
Do diagonal seat or fold-over at diagonal to the bar (works well for students with hip issues who may also be irritated by diagonal seat)
What are the challenges for strong students in foldover?
Soften their standing leg a bit more and get leg in perfect alignment with their back
What’s the order of triage in pretzel?
Foundation: front knee and hip in one line, front knee and ankle are parallel to mirror, hand placement in line with knee, knee in line with hip or 1-2 inches behind (fix knees that are very far back first)
What are the rules for demoing the required stretches after pretzel?
Do them facing away. Demo the first side and watch students in the mirror, then get up and watch them directly on the second side.
What are the required stretches after pretzel?
- Glutes stretch (“align your shins” one)
- Waist stretch (pointed foot, bend sideways)
- Back stretch (flexed foot, rotate over leg)
What are the additional optional stretches after pretzel?
- both should come BEFORE the required stretches.
1. Hip and waist stretch (if you give this, it should be the first stretch after pretzel. “Lift your hips off the carpet…”)
2. Spiral stretch for back and glutes (give this second)
What are two choreography guidelines for pretzel (around foot position and tempo)?
- Give some moves with pointed feet some flexed to get more burn in shin or calf
- Any tempo except continuous very fast
What are the ball/mini mat options in pretzel?
Mini mat folded in half behind working knee, ball behind knee
What is the ankle adjustment in pretzel?
Step your foot in front of a student’s working thigh (want to bring leg into good alignment) and place both hands on their hip for a one point. Legs that are too far forward are overworking hip muscles.
Where should the knee be in pretzel relative to the hip?
1-2 inches behind it MAX
Where can you setup pretzel?
Under the bar, on profile, or center of the room
What are the 5 modifications for pretzel?
- Petite students can use risers in pretzel under the bar to help them reach.
- People with hip, knee, or low back discomfort can sit on a riser.
- If a student’s supporting leg goes numb during pretzel, sit on one or two risers to lesson flexion in hip. If this doesn’t help, she can modify with standing seat or arabesque.
- Students with back sensitivity can lean diagonally away from their working leg, even on their elbow if needed
- Students struggling to keep their working side hip rotated forward or who are working with their hip open can put a ball under their working ankle which can help them find their glutes.
What are the challenges for strong students in pretzel?
Hand sin prayer, reach working side hand or both hands up (including holding a ball overhead), hold L-shape arms. Give these at the end of the exercise.