Round Back/Flat Back Flashcards
How long is RB in terms of time?
30-60 reps total per leg over one to four “release” sets - can vary with choreography choice and class strength
What is the consequence of sitting too high in RB?
Can’t drop your navel, which means you overwork your hip flexors and can’t recruit your abs.
A student looks too low or like they are rounding their upper backs from the front in RB. How do you fix this?
Tell student to lift their chest and press shoulders back
Why do movements in RB need to be small?
To protect hip flexors
When should students be given the L-shape option in RB?
When holding on to their top leg (to maximize stability) (and not moving?????? clarify). Only give it once on each side and students can come in and out of it as they please. Students should only take the L if they can maintain good form.
If a class has a lot of new students, what are the restrictions for RB?
Give no more than two release sets with students pressing both hands under the bar.
What are the 6 safety restrictions for RB?
- Talk through or demo setup, but do not exercise with them
- Students can catch on to upper leg at any point if they need to
- Sitting at a 45 degree angle to protect hips and low back
- Holding on to leg when giving the L and opposite hand pushed under the bar
- Never teach with a turn out
- Never press leg inwards across the body during RB
What are the safety restrictions for the spine extension stretch after RB?
- Students with sensitive necks should be careful extending their head back.
- List hips as an option only if you can press your knees into the carpet.
How should you explain the purpose of RB to your students?
“RB tapers and slims down the muscles in the backs of the legs and seat, which we just worked during seat work.”
Why do you need to bend your elbow when holding on to your leg in RB?
To align your shoulders, increase your flexibility, and work your biceps.
How do you support a student whose hip flexors are bothering her?
- Check that she is working low enough for her body type (beware of long legged, short torso-ed students - check to make sure they’re actually at an angle).
- Encourage her to reset working leg frequently.
What are the choreographic guidelines for RB?
- One to four subsets consisting of 8-20 reps
- Moves can be given at any tempo except very fast
- Never teach RB with a turn out (one or both legs) because it causes the shorter hip flexors to take over which can strain hips and low back.
What is the sequence for offering the knee-bent-to-90-degrees choreography pattern in RB?
- Do 1-2 sets as usual
- During next reset, tell students to hold on to their extended leg and bend knee to 90 degrees
- Offer the L-shape again (a second time!) to engage abs more deeply
- Do two more sets keeping extended leg’s knee bent to 90 degrees.
*Students who are using straps can get rid of strap and use their abs to draf their leg in
When do you give a student a strap in RB?
If a student’s leg drops forward more than 45 degrees,:
- Check to see if they’re too high
- Tell them to catch back on and try to bring their leg closer to them. If they are flexible enough to do it but not strong enough, tell them to keep holding on.
- If they aren’t flexible enough to do it, give them a strap. Loop it over the arches of her feet, have her bend her elbows wide, press her shoulders down, and lift her chest.
How do you modify RB for students with sciatica?
Students with sciatica who experience numbness can use a strap and if that’s not working, they can life down.
How do you modify RB for students with shoulder issues?
Loop two straps over the bar and hold on to them. Straps press back more firmly into the wall, but are less effective at stabilizing, so students must use two straps. They can still take the L-shape.
How do you modify RB for students with sensitive hip flexors?
Frequent resets
Who lays down in RB, and what are the guidelines for this?
Students with serious back issues.
Place a mat about a foot from the wall. Flexible students should press hand against wall and hold on to her extended leg. When class presses up, she can press both hands against the wall. Inflexible students can place her foot into a strap and hold on the whole time.
Laying down may take the L-shape if they can keep their extended leg vertical and they can keep their lower backs pressed downwards with their abs.
What are the prengancy modifications for RB?
Pregnant students MAY NOT lay down because it it puts pressure on the aortic valve and causes a blood flow issue. Students who are past 20 weeks must lean on 3-4 risers placed under their large mat with a strap looped around their extended leg’s foot.
What are RB challenges for strong students?
Try to do the L shape and work in moves such as small bend-stretches.
After you setup FB, how many reps can you do on the floor before you need to lift?
How many subsets of FB should you give?
3-4 (it should be a cardio interval, if it goes too long it wears out hip flexors)
What are the rules for how many push ups you can give (mix and max at different tempos) after FB, and where do they go in the sequence?
Pushups are optional (if you are no more than 45 minutes into class), but if you do them, they come before flat-back stretches. There is a 15-pushup minimum, and a max of: 5 4-count tempo 15 2-count tempo 25 on tempo 30 pulse-tempo
What are the rules for music and lights after FB?
Music plays through FB and pushups, keep lights on until after pushups. Turn off the top lights after FB/pushups before curl begins, and change music to curl as soon as pushups ends, turn down the volume slightly.
What are the arm options for FB?
Overhand or underhand grip. Don’t give this as an option, but students can thread their arms through the bar.
What are the 3 main form errors to adjust in FB?
- Seat not against the wall
- Elbows out to the side, which can stress shoulders
- Legs overly bent which puts stress on hips and pulls low back away from the wall
What are the rules for demonstrating and explaining the hip flexor stretch?
Only demo once - on the first side. Demonstrate on profile. Give one verbal or HOA per side on hip flexor stretch. HOA students who are lunging and stretching their quads instead of hip flexors.
What are the 4 choreographic options for the hip flexor stretch?
- Extending stretching arm side forward
- Extending stretching side arm diagonally upward
- Placing opposite side hand on stretching side hip and tucking hip more deeply
- Placing both hands on supporting thigh and pressing down
Which 5 kinds of people need additional risers during FB?
- Petite students to reach bar
- Students with sensitive hip flexors - risers help reduce flexion in hips
- Students with tight hip flexors - risers help make more comfortable
- Students with tight hamstrings - risers lessen extension in hamstrings
- Those who are disheartened by not being able to lift, risers help
When do you use mini mats during FB?
Students may place one mini mat under their seat to boost their torso. They may not place it under their thighs because doing so can overflex hip flexors by boosting legs higher than natural range of motion.
What are the 7 safety restrictions for FB?
- Always give at least one turned out position to ary which hip flexors are working
- Give holds with both feet up for no longer than five pulse tempo counts
- Press hips back against the wall when knees are soft
- Elbows facing diagonally forward
- Do not say “close your legs” (say “close your feet”)
- No straight leg open-closes (slight end protects rectus femoris)
- Do not give choreographic circles
What are the optimum tempos for FB?
Can use any tempo. Optimum is:
- two count moves for 5-10 reps
- on-tempo moves for 8-10 reps
- pulse tempo moves for 20+ reps
- very fast (only for foot taps) for 30-40 reps
What are the 4 modifications for FB?
- Shoulder issues can hold onto two straps looped around the bar
- Petite students can sit on multiple risers and may need to hold on to straps as well
- Students with a sway back (S-curve) can place a mini mat horizontally behind their waist. It gives them something to push against when they recruit their abs and acts as a stabilizer for their core.
- Tall students who don’t fit under the ar can work at the stall bar using straps or holding on to the bottom rung
What are the pregnancy restrictions for FB?
Don’t lift both feet at the same time
What are challenges for strong students in FB?
Lift your feet, cross your ankles, put a prop underneath ankles
How long is FB in terms reps and subsets?
30-120 reps, 1-4 subsets
What are the main benefits of FB to share with students?
- Recruits TA muscles
2. Raises heart rate by engaging multiple muscles
What is the minimum number of “off the floor” reps?
15 at pulse tempo
Can you use a ball between the legs in flat back?