BD/FS Flashcards
What are the choreographic guidelines for back dancing?
- Pulse and very fast tempos
- Lots of reps, each move for at least 20 reps
- Keep students moving continuously
What do you need to do after clam?
High curl, plank, or stretch
What do pregnant women do during stretches after curl?
Mermaid stretch
Which curls work TA?
Which curls work RA?
KSC, LC/FU, HC/B, Clam
What are the safety restrictions for BD?
Only give the option to releve when legs are parallel or together.
What are the prop rules in BD/FS?
Can use a mini mat between thighs in zipped up, rolled in thirds in diamond, or with a ball between thighs
What are the prop rules for BD?
Can use a ball in parallel BD or diamond BD and a mini mat in half in zipped up BD
How long does back dancing have to be?
Minimum of 3 minutes
What’s the maximum number of choreographic changes you can give in BD?
- Each subset should be at least 20 seconds.
When can you give the releve option in BD?
Legs in parallel or zipped
How many positions should you use in BD?
What are the challenges for strong students in BD?
In parallel, lift one leg at a time over their hip
What does the order of final stretch have to be in a regular class?
Butterfly, strap stretch, reverence
What’s the order of stretches for final stretch if you do back dancing after curl?
Happy baby/straddle (optional) Butterfly Oblique Cat/cobra Strap Reverence
What are the modifications in final stretch?
- A figure four stretch instead of butterfly (often for overweight, inflexible, or men)
- Lower leg bent and flat on the floor for strap stretch