Curl - Fundamentals Flashcards
What is the max reps you can in a release set of HC/B?
20 on tempo or pulse
10 reps two-count
Can you have one leg off the floor in HC/B?
What is the challenge option for HC/B?
Arms crossed behind shoulders
What are the arm options for HC/B?
Hands on hips, arms crossed over chest (elbows DOW, not out), fingertips to shoulders, prayer. Give one arm option per subset and always offer the challenge option
Which tempos can you give in LC/FU?
Two count, on tempo, pulse
When arms are vertical in LC/FU, what are the safety restrictions?
Can hold, just cannot curl
What are the safety restrictions for high curl?
- Give release sets for a max of: 10 on tempo or pulse tempo reps, 5-6 two count reps
- Max 7 release sets
- Knees/thighs hip width
- No curls, tucks, twisting, or tapping
- No oblique movements that involve reaching arms over to one side
What are the safety restrictions for HC/B?
Max 20 on tempo or pulse tempo reps and max 10 two count reps before reset
What are the safety restrictions for LC/FD?
- No curls
- Do not let go with one arm out
- All arm choreo for LC/FD holds or moves with straight/soft arms
- No tapping floor or pulsing downwards (because their backs aren’t firmly down on the floor)
- No oblique movements with arms in this position
What are the safety restrictions in KSC?
Do not lift and lower elbows to a tempo. Too jerky.
How many curl sets can you give?
What are the rules for giving clam?
- If you give clam or straight leg clam, need to follow with HC, HC/B, or plank to rest neck.
- Only teach one variation of clam during class
What’s the difference between a release set and a challenge set in curl?
Release set - subsets in HC and HC/B where the release is not optional
Challenge sets - subsets in LC and KSC where they have the option to release
Which curls target the TA?
HC and LF/FD
Which curls target the RA?
Anything with curls - KSC, LC/FU, HC/B, clam
When giving choreography using a mini mat between thighs in KSC and LC/FD, what are the rules?
With feet together, mat folded in half
With feet in a diamond, mat in thirds
Can you use one-handed releases in LC/FU?
- LC/FU in a diamond, you can have students reach one arm through the middle of their legs and hold/curl
- LC with L-shape, reach horizontal leg-side-arm forward
- Be creative
When can you give oblique curls?
In LC/FU only. Give oblique curls that aim towards one thigh.
Where does the ball belong in curl?
Between the mid thighs
Diamond-shape turnouts in curl are ____.
Wide (not narrow). This helps work the seat and inner thighs more effectively.
What are the foot positions for HC?
Parallel or diamond (with or without a ball)
What are the rules for using mini mats in HC (not setup mats - using them as a prop)?
You can’t use them
What are the choreography rules in high curl?
2 sets of 3 related arm positions
3 sets of 2 related arm positions
A progression for the whole six sets that has a detectable pattern
When can you do HC with a ball on one knee?
When you’ve been doing ball between the thighs, have students place the ball on one knee and press it down isometrically with the same hand. Extend the other arm upward or raise/lower it.
What are the modifications for HC?
- Students with sensitive hip flexors can sit on a riser.
- In HC/one leg up, they can hold on
- Back or neck issues can use mini mats
What are the challenges for strong students in HC?
Lift their arms higher, lower their torso closer to the floor, shorten the release set if there are a lot of them
What are the acceptable tempos for HC/B?
Two count, on tempo, or pulse tempo
What arm positions are NOT allowed in HC/B?
You cannot extend your arms in any direction.
When in your setup of HC/B should you give arm options?
Before beginning choreography
What are the two types of abdominal contractions in HC/B?
Concentric (shortening) and eccentric (lengthening) abdominal contractions
Where does the ball belong in HC/B?
Behind your waist, NOT low back. In HC/B, you bend and unbend at your waist. There should be a small space between your back and the ball (so you have mid back support), not all the way up against low back.
What are the modifications for HC/B?
- Students with sensitive hips can sit on top of 1-2 risers
- Students who struggle to keep teh ball in place or need more support can put a riser under their large black mat and wedge the ball between riser and waist
How many release sets should you give in HC/B?
How many hand positions should you give in HC/B?
What is the order of triage in KSC?
Elbows under shoulders, students need to bend forward, mats
What are the three big choreographies in KSC?
Exhales, tucks, or curls at any tempo
What’s the longest time you can give for KSC?
5 minutes
How should students with sensitive elbows modify their position in KSC?
Elbows under shoulders and forearms on the floor with palms facing inwards
Can you raise one elbow only in KSC?
What are the arm position options in KSC?
Elbows lifted with fingers touching shoulders, elbows lifted to 90 degrees at shoulder height, arms extended forward or diagonally upwards, hands on hips with the “raise your elbows” option opening elbows up and to the side (chicken wings!)
What are the foot positions/prop rules in KSC?
Parallel with or without ball
Diamond with or without ball or mini mat in thirds
No zipped up???? - mini manual says zipped up ok with or without mini mat
Can you use a ball between the thighs for more than one set of curl?
Yes and it’s encouraged- it makes the second variation more challenging
What are the modifications in KSC?
- Students with short arms or are heavy need extra support under elbows. Give them two risers.
- Students with tight backs need more support - 1-3 mini mats
What are challenges for strong students in KSC?
- Lift elbows right away
2. Place fingers on shoulders and point elbows towards knees
What’s the order of triage in LC/FD?
Straight arms, students too high – move to profile and look for mats
What’s the ideal foot placement in LC/FD?
About a foot in front of the knees. Longer legs will want to slide feet closer in, longer torsos will side feet further forward.
Why is there no curling in LC/FD?
Lower back and glutes are on the floor, but they’re tilted forward and have more weight on their glutes so they don’t have the full support of the floor on their low back.
Why is LC/FD more challenging than KSC?
Torso is more forward and the abs (esp. obliques) are more flexed
In which low curl sets can you let go with one hand?
LC/FU because the back serves as a foundation, whereas in LC/FD letting go with one hand would cause the holding arm to straighten and throw off balance
What kind of arm choreography should be given and avoided in LC/FD?
GIVEN: Moves with straight or soft arms, arms forward, diagonally forward, or upward, fist taps, prayer with arms forward towards their knees (opposite of HC/B)
AVOIDED: Any choreography that raises arms up to vertical and/or pulses arms backwards
What are the foot positions and prop rules in LC/FD?
Parallel with or without ball
No mini mat - mini manual says mini mat ok in zipped folded in half
Mini manual says zipped and diamond ok
Which HOA should not be given in LC/FD?
Shark bite
How long should challenge sets be in LC/FD?
5-10 on tempo exhales or 10-20 pulse tempo exhales
What are the foot positions and prop rules in LC/FU?
Parallel with or without ball
Zipped up only when legs up, mini mat ok
Turned out - PROP RULES????
What are the low curl feet up options for how to position legs?
- Tabletop
- One leg at 90 degrees, other planted
- L-shape, lower leg extended
- L-shape, one foot down
Toes can be pointed or flexed, knees can be soft, bent to 90 degrees, or straight
What’s the order of setup cues for LC/FU?
- Setup in low curl
- Hold onto thighs
- Float feet up
What are the tempos you should give curls at in LC/FU?
Pulse, on tempo, or two count
Why do you need to cue students to grip their glutes in cobra?
To prevent arching their low bak
What’s the minimum amount of time you should hold stretches after curl?
5-15 seconds
What’s the order of operations for plank after curl?
Curl, oblique stretches, plank,