W9: What is Addiction? Flashcards
Drug addiction is defined by… (3)
- Compulsion to seek out drug
- Loss of control in limiting intake of drug
- Negative emotions when access to drug is limited
What is not drug addiction? (2)
Occasional use of abusive drugs
Does not reliably lead to addiction
Types of drug use (sometimes leads to each other) - (3)
Occasional, controlled, or social use
Drug abuse or harmful use
Drug addiction (diagnosed in DSM-V + ICD-10)
Diagnosing addiction - DSM-IV
Categorised as substance abuse vs dependence
Diagnosing addiction - DSM-V (2)
Moving away from categories
Drug use is as a continuum from occasional use, abuse to addiction based on symptoms to categorise a person
Substance abuse disorder is what DSM-V uses to categorise
DSM-V Diagnosing criteria - criteria, severity, mild, moderate, servere
11 criteria for substance use disorders
Severity based on number of criteria someone meets
Mild = 2-3
Moderate = 4-5
Severe > 6 (above)
Substance use disorder and addiction
are same terms
Substance use disorder = addiction (2)
Levels of addiction can vary
Addiction is process from controlled to compulsive use
Addiction as a disease - quitting is not enough! (2)
Drugs have an impact on neural circuits in the brain
Neurochemical changes persist after abstinence ( 12% remain abstinent without treatment, 30% remain abstinent with treatment)
Who is at risk of drug addiction? (3)
Adolescents and emerging-adults
- 12-29 years
- Drugs change brain development
Different types of drugs of addiction (6)
- Opiates
- Cannabinoids
- Depressants
- Stimulants
- Hallucinogens
- Inhalants
Different types of drug of addiction - cannabinoids and hallucinogens (7)
- Marijuana
- Psilocybin (mushrooms)
- Peyote
Differenr types of drug of addiction - depressants, nicotine and caffeine and stimulants - (8)
- Alcohol
Nicotine and Caffeine
- Caffeine
- Nicotine
- Amphetamines (e.g., meth)
- Cocaine
Differenr types of drug of addiction - opioids (most narcotices) and inhlants - (8)
Opioids (most narcotics)
- Heroin
- Codeine
- Morphine
- Nitrous oxide
- Aerosols
- Paint thinners