W9 Cementum Flashcards
What is the periodontium?
Collecgively refers to cementum, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament
What is cementum?
Avascular, receives nutrition from PDL space
What is the function of cementum?
Covers the root surface, seal for the dentinal tubes. Provide attachment for the PFL fibers hold the tooth in it’s socket
What is the chemical properties of cementum
Inorganic: 45-50% calcium hydroxyapatite
Organic matrix: Collagen fibers, ground substance
Bound water
What are the physical properties of Cementum?
Yellow, lighter than dentine. Less mineralised than dentine and enamel, hard as bone. Lack lusture, softer than enamel
What is the histology classification of cementum?
- Acellular or Cellular cementum?
- Nature of Organic matrix fibers - extrinsic or intrinsic
- Combination of 1 and 2
Describe acellular cementum?
Layer immediately overlying dentine. Deposited by epithelial root cells before root sheet disintergrates. Provides attachment
Describe Cellular cementum
Thicker layer of cellular cementum. Deposited by cementoblasts, has an adaptive role in response to tooth wear/movement - faster formation. Has Cementocytes
What are extrinsic fibres?
Sharpeys fibers are a portion of the collagen fibers from the PDL inserted at90 degrees on the outer part of the cementum
What are intrinsic fibers
Derived from cementoblasts and lay parrallel to root surface at approx right angels to extrinisc fibres
What is cemental caries?
Root caries that travels into cementum due to gingival recession due to trauma or periodontal disease
What is concresence?
Union of root structure of more than one two by the cementum
What is PDL?
Fibrous connective tissue between alveolar process and cementum. Composed of CT, fibers, cells and ground substance
What is the function of PDL?
Provided attachment of the teeth to the surround alveolar bone by cementum. TO withstand mastication forces.
What is the histology composition of PSL?
CT fibers: sharpeys fibers
Ground substance 70% water with glycoproteins and proteoglycans, nerves, highly vascular
What cells are present in to PDL composition?
Fibroblasts: form fibers Osteoblasts: bone formation Cementoblasts: form cementum Endothelial cells Macrophages and osteoclasts Epithelial rests Undifferentiated mesychymal cells
What is the PDL Organisation?
Gingival Group - located around necks of the teeth
Transeptal - cementum to cementum
Dentoalveolar - cementum to bone
What is the Gingival FIbre group
- Alveologingival (free)
- Dentogingival (attached)
- Circumferential fibres
- Dento periosteal ligament
What is the Transsetal Group?
Inserts interproximally from cervial cementum of one tooth to the cervical cementum of neighbouring teeth. Withstands rotational forces
What is the Dentoalveolar group?
- Alveolar crest group - resist tiliting
- Horizontal group - mesial, distal buccal lingual tilting + rotational
- Oblique group:
- Apical group: extrusive + rotational forces
- Interradicular
What is the chemical composition of alveolar bone?
60% inorganic - hydroxy
25% organic
15% water
What is the gross anatomy of the alveolar bone?
Cortical plate, cribriform plate, cancelous bone