doh110 oral health sciences 1

This class was created by Brainscape user T@llula Galea. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Week 1 Dental Materials GIC+Alginate+Polyethers+Polysulphes
Describe the properties, chemistry and clinical handling of Glass Ionomer Cements Describe the indications and contra-indications for use of Glass Ionomer Cements Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Glass Ionomer Cements Understand the chemical, physical and handling properties of differing impression materials Describe the indications of use for each of the impression materials Describe the setting reaction for each of the impression materials
47  cards
W1 Dental terminology
How many teeth do adults have,
How many teeth do children have,
Whats the difference between adul...
35  cards
Week 1 Hard & soft tissue anatomy
Describe the maxilla,
What is the composition of the ma...,
Describe the mandible
26  cards
What basically is a composite resin,
How does composite bond to the tooth,
Can it release fluoride
49  cards
W3 Morphology
What are the features of maxillar...,
What are the features of maxillar...,
What are the features of the maxi...
22  cards
W3 Eruption stages
What ages does the 51 61 amaxilla...,
What age does the 52 62 b maxilla...,
What ages does the 53 63 c maxill...
26  cards
W3 Occlusion relationship
What is the horizontal alignment ...,
Define the curve of spee,
Define the curve of wilson
34  cards
W7 Dentine + pulp
What is dentine,
What physical properties does den...,
What are the chemical properties ...
62  cards
W8 Peridontium, Cementum, Alveolar bone
Define the periodontum,
Define cementum,
What is the function of the perid...
35  cards
What two cells do teeth develop from,
Picwhat is the first stage of too...,
What is the second stage of tooth...
42  cards
W4 Biofilm
What are the characteristics of b...,
How do you classify bacteria,
What are the stages of biofilm fo...
33  cards
W4 Interaction biofilm
What at neutorphils pmns,
What are macrophages,
What are lymphocytes t cells
15  cards
W7 Enamel
What are the chemical properties ...,
What are the physical properties ...,
How many ameloblasts form the ena...
16  cards
W8 Dentine
What are the physical properties ...,
What are the chemical properites ...,
Is enamel vascular or avascular
42  cards
W9 Cementum
What is the periodontium,
What is cementum,
What is the function of cementum
22  cards
W1 Embryology - Prenatal Development
Describe the key event s that occ...,
Describe the key events of fertil...,
Describe the key events of clevage
15  cards
W2 Embryology facial structures
Define stomatodeum membrane,
Define buccopharyngeal membrane,
Describe the formation of the fac...
26  cards
W3 Osteology
What is the cranium divided into,
What are the anterior bones on th...,
Picwhere is the hyoid bone located
6  cards
Describe the type of joint,
What is the joint cavity divided ...,
What are articulating surfaces
14  cards
W5 Muscles of tongue
The muscle of the tongue can be d...,
Name the instrinsic muscles of th...,
Name the 4 intrinsic muscles of t...
49  cards
W6 cranial nerve
What are the 12 cranial nerves,
What are the basics of cranial ne...,
What is the roman numeral for the...
15  cards
W9 Trigeminal and facial n
What type of nerve is the trigeminal,
Where does the trigeminal nerve exit,
What are the divisions of the tri...
20  cards
W10 Salivary glands
What is the biggest salivary gland,
What is the location innervation ...,
What is the second largest gland
27  cards
W11 Vascular system
Identify the majors vessels of th...,
Name the divisions of the carotid...,
Describe in detail the branches o...
35  cards
W12 Fascia and spaces
Define fascia,
Define space,
Define superficial fasciae of the...
21  cards

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doh110 oral health sciences 1

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