VN03 Weekly Quizzes Flashcards
Which ONE of the following diseases cannot be vaccinated against in the UK?
A non–pruritic alopecia is most likely to be caused by which of the following?
Select one:
a. Demodex
b. Sarcoptes scabiei
c. Fleas
d. Ixodes ricinus
In the angiostrongylus vasorum lifecycle, the dog can be classified as what type of host?
Which one of the following would be the most appropriate method for drying hands following handwashing?
Disposable Hand Towels
Which ONE of the following will NOT help reduce antibiotic resistance?
Select one:
a. Performing culture and sensitivity
b. Using narrow spectrum antibiotics
c. Vaccination
d. Prescribing a shorter course of antibiotics
e. Neutering
Which ONE of the following is toxic to ocular and aural structures?
Select one:
a. Iodine
b. Alcohol
c. Chlorhexidine
d. All of the above
Which ONE of the following is HIGHLY toxic to cats and reptiles?
Select one:
a. Iodine
b. Quaternary ammonium compounds
c. Phenols
d. Hydrogen peroxide
Which ONE of the following parasites is NOT zoonotic?
Select one:
a. Cheyletiella
b. Trombicularis autumnalis
c. Diplydium caninum
d. Sarcoptes scabeii
e. Toxocara cati
Trombicularis autumnalis
Which of the following best describes the immunity given from a vaccine?
Select one:
a. Passive
b. Non-specific
c. Specific
d. Active
Cell mediated immunity does NOT involve?
How many steps are there to the WHO guidelines hand wash?
Bartonella henselae is responsible for causing which zoonotic disease?
Select one:
a. Toxocariosis
b. Weil’s disease
c. Cat scratch fever
e. Mange
Cat scratch fever
Which ONE of the following does NOT have a significant role in cell-mediated immunity?
Select one:
a. T-lymphocytes
b. Cytotoxic T-Cells
c. B-lymphocytes
d. Thymus
e. Helper T-Cells
B-lymphocytes are responsible for the production of antibodies, which is a ‘humoral’ immune response.
The correct term for the head of a cestode parasite is:
Select one:
a. The rostellum
b. The proscolex
c. The scolex
d. The proglottid
The scolex
Barrier nursing is defined as:
Select one:
a. The creation of a barrier between an infectious patient, the nursing staff and other animals
b. The isolation of very susceptible animals in an attempt to protect them from potential sources of infection
c. The physical separation of animal suspected or proved to have a transmissible infectious disease
d. The compulsory isolation of animals with, or potentially exposed to, infectious diseases
The creation of a barrier between an infectious patient, the nursing staff and other animals
Which type of pathogen replicates by conjugation of plasmids?
Select one:
a. Virus
b. Prion
c. Bacteria
d. Protozoa
Pups may have adult worms of Toxocara canis within their intestines by the time they are how old?
Select one:
a. 5 weeks
b. 12 weeks
c. 3 weeks
d. 8 weeks
3 weeks
What is the intermediate host in Toxocara gondii’s life cycle?
Which ONE of the following is NOT inactivated by organic matter?
Select one:
a. Halogenated tertiary amines
b. Chlorhexidine
c. Iodine
d. Alcohol
e. None of the above
Resistant genes are carried on which part of the bacterial cell?
Select one:
a. Plasma membrane
b. Plasmid
c. Ribosome
d. Flagella
e. Pilus
A record of all waste must be kept for at least:
Select one:
a. 3 years
b. 2 years
c. 6 months
d. 1 year
2 years
How long do maternally derived antibodies (MDAs) last in puppies (on average)?
Select one:
a. 4 - 8 years
b. 4 - 8 weeks
c. 8 - 12 weeks
d. 8 - 12 hours
e. 4 - 6 days
8 - 12 weeks
Where can the lateral saphenous vein be found?
Select one:
a. Lateral aspect of hind limb, just distal to hock
b. Ventral surface of tail
c. Cranial/dorsal surface of forelimb
d. Lateral aspect of hind limb, just proximal to hock
Lateral aspect of hind limb, just distal to hock
What is the term ‘stuporous’ used to describe?
Select one:
a. A patient that does not know where its limbs are in ‘space’
b. A lightly unconscious patient which still responds to painful stimuli
c. A patient with neurological disease which walks in an uncoordinated manner
d. An unconscious patient
A patient with neurological disease which walks in an uncoordinated manner
The cauda equina is found within the:
Select one:
a. Forebrain
b. None of the above
c. Hindbrain
d. Midbrain
None of the above -It is found within the spinal cord
Which organ is involved with detecting pheromones via the Flehmen response?
Select one:
a. Vomeronasal organ
b. Fungiform papillae
c. Ethmoid organ
d. Jacovy’s organ
Vomeronasal organ - consists of paired tubular diverticula within the vomer bone in the ventral portion of the nasal septum
The cerebellum is found within the:
Select one:
a. Forebrain
b. Midbrain
c. Hindbrain
d. None of the above
The walls of the ureters are made up of which type of muscle?
Select one:
a. Skeletal
b. Smooth
c. Voluntary
d. Transitional
Water Soluble Vitamins?
What type of epithelium is the bladder made of?
Select one:
a. Squamous
b. Transitional
c. Cuboidal
d. Columnar
The 4 pairs of salivary glands in the oral cavity of the dog and cat are:
Select one:
a. Buccal, zygomatic, sub-lingual and parotid
b. Mandibular, parotid, buccal and sublingual
c. Zygomatic, sub-lingual, parotid and mandibular
d. Parotid, goblet, buccal and zygomatic
Zygomatic, sub-lingual, parotid and mandibular
Which of the following species cannot synthesise arachidonic acid?
Select one:
a. Cats
b. Rabbits
c. Guinea pigs
d. Dogs
The part of the nephron that reabsorbs glucose back into the blood stream is:
Select one:
a. Proximal convoluted tubule
b. Distal convoluted tubule
c. Collecting duct
d. Loop of Henle
Proximal convoluted tubule
Which hormone triggers ovulation?
Select one:
a. Progesterone
b. Oestrogen
c. Follicle stimulating hormone
d. Luteinising hormone
Luteinising hormone
Seasonally Polyoestrus species?
Cat and Rabbit
What do sertoli cells secrete?
Select one:
a. Oestrogen
b. Testosterone
c. Progesterone
d. Interstitial cell stimulating hormone
How long does is the average oestrus cycle in the horse?
Select one:
a. 9 days
b. 21 days
c. 15 days
d. 30 days
9 days
Which of the following species does NOT have an os penis?
Select one:
a. Guinea pig
b. Rabbit
c. Dog
d. Cat
What hormone stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone?
Select one:
a. Luteinising hormone
b. Inhibin
c. Follicle stimulating hormone
d. Gonadotrophin releasing hormone
Luteinising hormone
What is the name of the bilobed gland that lies near the neck of the bladder and surrounds the urethra and contributes to the seminal fluid?
Select one:
a. Bulbourethral gland
b. Adrenal gland
c. Pituitary gland
d. Prostate gland
Prostate gland
What are the finger like projections at the end of the fallopian tube which sweep the egg towards the tube?
Select one:
a. Cilla
b. Fimbles
c. Phalanges
d. Fimbriae
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to applying a wound dressing to an open wound?
Select one:
a. Wound dressings should be applied aseptically
b. Wound dressings should not extend beyond the wound
c. A padding layer should be placed below the wound dressing
d. Melolin should be applied perforated side away from the wound
Wound dressings should be applied aseptically
At which stage of mitosis does the cell begin to constrict across the middle?
Select one:
a. Telophase
b. Metaphase
c. Prophase
d. Anaphase
A surgical wound will heal by:
Select one:
a. First intention
b. Third intention
c. Second intention
d. Delayed primary intention
First intention
Which layer of the epidermis is only found in foot pads and the nose?
Select one:
a. Stratum spinosum
b. Stratum basale
c. Stratum luciderm
d. Stratum corneum
Stratum spinosum
Second intention healing is classed as:
Select one:
a. A wound which has undergone surgical invention
b. A wound which has had a surgical drain placed
c. An infected wound which has been treated with antibiotics then sutured
d. A wound which has healed naturally through granulation
A wound which has healed naturally through granulation
Which one of the following impregnated dressings would NOT have antimicrobial activity?
Select one:
a. Silver
b. Manuka
d. Alginate
Sweat glands and which layer of skin are only present in the footpads and nasal pads?
Select one:
a. Stratum spinosum
b. Stratum basale
c. Stratum granulosum
d. Epidermis
e. Stratum lucidum
Which is the first active stage in mitosis?
Select one:
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
Circumoral glands are found on the:
Select one:
a. The lips of a cat Correct
b. The ventral aspect of a snake
c. Dorsal aspect at the base of the tail
d. The lining of the stomach
The lips of a cat
Which ONE of the following is NOT a characteristic of arterial bleeding?
Select one:
a. Blood flow may pulse
b. Bright red blood
c. Low volume of blood lost
d. Spurting under pressure
Low volume of blood lost
Oxygen toxicity occurs when:
Select one:
a. <60% O2 for ~12 hours
b. >60% O2 for ~12 hours Correct
c. >40% O2 for ~12 hours
> 60% O2 for ~12 hours
Which ONE of the following is the poison associated with chocolate?
Select one:
a. Ethylene glycol
b. Metaldehyde Incorrect
c. Theobromine
d. Organophosphates
What type of shock is commonly associated with a large volume of blood loss?
Select one:
a. Cardiogenic
b. Hypovolaemic
c. Obstructive
d. Distributive
What service could you telephone to access poisons information?
Select one:
a. Animal Poisons Advisory Service
b. British Poisons Information Service
c. Veterinary Poisons Advisory Service
d. Veterinary Poisons Information Service
Veterinary Poisons Information Service
We pre-oxygenate rabbits because:
Select one:
a. Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers
b. Pre-oxygenation increases oxygen concentration in functional residual capacity of lungs
c. Pre-oxygenation reduces risk of hypoxia during induction
d. All of the stated answers
All of the stated answers
Normal SpO2 is above:
Select one:
a. 85%
b. 90%
c. 95%
Which ONE of the following is NOT a sign of anaphylactic shock?
Select one:
a. Panting
b. Diarrhoea
c. Pale gums
d. Cold limbs
Which of the following patients could be seen in a same day appointment rather than an emergency appointment?
Select one:
a. A dog with a laceration to the front leg which is bleeding, mm pale, BPM <70
b. A dog who is retching unproductively and the abdomen is distending
c. A dog vomiting for 12 hours, mm dry and pale eyes sunken, respiratory rate increased
d. A dog vomiting for 12 hours, mm moist and pink, respiratory rate normal
A dog vomiting for 12 hours, mm moist and pink, respiratory rate normal
Which reflective cycle is based on the three questions: What? So what? What now?
Select one:
a. Gibbs
b. Johns
c. Rolfe
d. Kolb
When using the Orem care plan what type of patient is most likely to need a ‘total compensatory’ nursing intervention?
Select one:
a. A patient that requires mechanical ventilation
b. A patient boarding post op
c. A patient following a limb amputation
d. A patient needing tube feeding
A patient that requires mechanical ventilation
Which ONE of the following is NOT part of the subjective examination?
Select one:
a. Temperature
b. Gait
c. Mentation
d. Behaviour
For a routine surgical patient when should care planning start?
Select one:
a. After the surgical procedure
b. Once the patient has been admitted
c. When the procedure is booked
d. At the time of admission
When the procedure is booked
What does SOAP stand for in veterinary nursing?
Select one:
a. Subjectively Obtain And Plan
b. Sufficiently Obtain All Parameters
c. Subjective Objective Assessment Plan
d. Specific Objective Assessment Protocol
e. Specific Objective Accurate Parameters
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan
Which one of the following is a subjective patient assessment?
Select one:
a. MM colour
b. Heart rate
c. Temperature
d. Respiratory rate
What is the main function of the loop of henle?
Select one:
a. Production of antidiuretic hormone
b. Water re-absorption/concentration of urine
c. Removes glucose
d. Removes antidiuretic hormone
Water re-absorption/concentration of urine
What is the correct term for the expulsion of urine from the bladder?
Select one:
a. Occlusion
b. Deglutition
c. Micturition
d. Mastication
What is another word for the kidney tubule?
Select one:
a. Bowman’s capsule
b. Cortex
c. Medulla
d. Nephron
Where does filtration of the blood occur?
Select one:
a. Glomerulus
b. Nephron
c. Blood cells
d. Renal artery
Filtrate that enters the bowman’s capsule does not contain what two things?
Select one or more:
a. Large proteins
b. Blood cells
c. Glucose
d. Amino acids
a. Large proteins
b. Blood cells
What is the main function of the collecting tube?
Select one:
a. Water absorption
b. Removing glucose
c. Production of antidiuretic hormone
d. Concentration of the urine
Water absorption
Where does the filtered fluid or filtrate enter?
Select one:
a. Renal artery
b. Bowman’s capsule
c. Medulla
d. Glomerulus
Blood enters the kidney via the what?
Select one:
a. Glomerulus
b. Renal artery
c. Bowman’s capsule
d. Cortex
Renal artery
As the fluid passes along the first coiled part of the kidney tubule what two things are removed?
Select one or more:
a. Large proteins I
b. Amino acids
c. Blood cells
d. Glucose
Amino acids and Glucose
When cut across the kidney is seen to consist of which two regions?
Select one or more:
a. Inner medulla
b. Outer medulla
c. Outer cortex
d. Inner cortex
Outer cortex and Inner Medulla