VITAMINS D, E, K, and C Flashcards
Its primary significance lies in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption, as well as the facilitation of a healthy immune system.
vitamin D
imperative for the typical growth and development of bones and teeth, while also enhancing the body’s resilience against certain illnesses
vitamin D
Vitamin D signals the ___ to absorb more calcium, the bones to release more, and the kidneys to retain more in the body
GI tract
Given enough sun, a person will have sufficient vitamin D. A daily ___ walk in the morning
15-20 minute
Too much sun breaks down ___ and ___ that form the skin, leaving it thinner and more wrinkled as you age.
collagen and elastin proteins
true or false: Darker skinned people require longer exposure to
sunlight than lighter skinned people to make the same amount of vitamin D
different of exposure time to sunlight between dark skinned and light skinned people
dark skinned - 3 hours
light skinned - 30 minutes
○ Is the final active form of vitamin D.
○ Also known as 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D or 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
- D2
- form found in food
- D3
- biologically inert and is converted to calcitriol in the liver
The precursor present in the
skin, becomes vitamin D upon exposure to ultraviolet light or sunshine. Note that the precursor is a form of cholesterol.
vitamin D RENI:
for infants, children, adolescents and adults 19-49 years;
5 mcg
vitamin D RENI:
for male and female 50-64 years of age
10 mcg
vitamin D RENI:
for older persons (65 years and over).
15 mcg
the disease that results from inadequate exposure to sunlight or
inadequate dietary intake of vitamin D as an infant.
characterized by bowed legs, narrow rib cages, and other deformities. It still affects many children worldwide.
vit D deficiency in adults
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Osteomalacia and osteoporosis
With an ___, many people do not get sufficient exposure to sunlight to create enough vitamin D for their needs
indoor lifestyle
Vitamin D toxicity can occur by consuming ___ only
○ calcification of soft tissues,
○ reduced kidney function because of calcification
○ central nervous system disorders.
vit D toxicity
A megadose of ___ vitamin D a day can cause irreversible damage for the kidneys and heart.
2,000 IU
● Alpha Tocopherol, other Tocopherols, & Tocotrienols
● composed of eight forms: the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta tocopherols and the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta tocotrienols.
vitamin E
most active form of vitamin E
● Stabilizes cell membranes, promotes healing of tissues, protects red and white blood cells, and regulates oxidation reactions
● Acts as an antioxidant to prevent cell-membrane damage
vitamin E
● Helps to protect unsaturated fats in the body, especially the polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) from
● Detoxifies radicals (destructive substances)
vitamin E
● Aids in the growth on new tissues and the healing of damage tissue from surgery or burns
● Protects red blood cells from hemolysis
vitamin E
When LDL is oxidized, it is more likely to promote the buildup of fatty plaque in the artery walls called ___
1 IU of vitamin E = ___ mg
0.67 mg
vitamin E RENI:
adult males and females (>19)
12 mg
minimum adult requirement of vitamin E (US)
4 mg or 6 IU per day
natural form of vitamin E
Rare, usually associated with diseases of fat malabsorption such as cystic fibrosis and in individuals consuming very low-fat diets for a
prolonged period.
vitamin E deficiency
● May interfere with blood clotting and enhance the effects of drugs used to oppose blood clotting, such as aspirin, or anticoagulant.
● Upset stomach and dizziness
vitamin E toxicity
main source of vit E found in supplements (European diet)
most common form of vit E in the American diet
● Vitamin K helps in the synthesis of a specific bone protein, and vitamin D regulates the synthesis
● For blood clotting
● Essential for the synthesis prothrombin and at least five other clotting factors to produce fibrin
vitamin K
● Important for the synthesis of other proteins in the bone, plasma, and kidney
● Address the calcium paradox by promoting bone density, inhibiting bone loss and inhibiting vascular calcification
vitamin K
Menadione and other synthetic vitamin K are ___
other names for vitamin K
Phylloquinone - K1
Menaquinone - K2
Menadione - K3
vitamin K RENI:
male adults > 19
59 mcg
vitamin K RENI:
female adults >19
51 mcg
vitamin K RENI:
children 1-12 years
13-35 mcg/day
vitamin K RENI:
adolescents 13-18 years
49-50-140 mcg/day
US and UK RENI for vitamin K
80-300 mcg/day
blood cannot clot, coagulation is lacking, resulting in hemorrhagic disease
vitamin K deficiency
symptom of vit K toxicity
best sources of vit K
dark green vegetables
Vitamin K is fairly stable, although sensitive to ___. Thus, clinical preparations are kept
in dark bottles.
light and irradation
● Other name: Ascorbic Acid
● Classification: Water Soluble Vitamins
○ Very reactive vitamin
○ Convertible in different forms
○ Chemical structure of ascorbic acid is similar to glucose
○ They must be supplied daily in food
vitamin C
● Formation and maintenance of the protein and collagen
● Repairs connective tissues keeps capillaries and other blood vessels strong
● Necessary in metabolism of proteins
vitamin C
vitamin c aids in hormone production (4)
● Builds body resistance to infections
● Major antioxidant
● Helps to cope severe stress
vitamin C
vitamin C stabilizes ___ and ___ and enhances iron absoprtion
vitamin E and folic acid
vitamin C RENI:
males > 19
75 mg/day
vitamin C RENI:
females > 19
70 mg/day
vitamin C RENI:
105 mg/day
vitamin C RENI:
120 mg/day
1-6 months - 105
7-12 months - 100
vitamin C RENI:
1-6 yrs
infants 6-11 mos
30 mg/day
vitamin C RENI:
7-9 yrs
35 mg/day
vitamin C RENI:
boys (10-12, 13-15, 16-18)
10-12 - 45 mg/day
13-15 - 65 mg/day
16-18 - 75 mg/day
infants 6-11 mos
girls (10-12, 13-15, 16-18)
10-12 - 70 mg/day
13-15 - 45 mg/day
16-18 - 65 mg/day
severe deficiency in Vitamin C
iron overload because Vitamin C intake enhances Iron intake
Megadoses of vitamin C 2,000 mg or more a day interfere ___ utilization
vitamin b12
Massive doses of vitamin C conflict with ___ medications
true or false: blanching vegetable inactive the enzyme for vit C
___ retains more vitamin C than canning or cooking in syrups or water
quick freezing