- transition period between childhood and adulthood
- begins between the ages of 10-13 in girls and 13-16 in boys
- period of rapid growth
- major changes in physical, cognitive, social, and emotional maturity
___ may yield a height increase of 3 inches a year for girls and 4 inches a year for boys
growth spurt
males need more of most ___ because of having more lean muscle mass
while females need more ___ for blood formation because of menstruation
nutrients, iron
effective health education should focus on?
- irregularity of meals
- obesity
- teenage pregnancy, street drugs, and alcohol
on average, teens get 13% of their calories from?
carbonated and non carbonated soft drinks
nutritional requirement:
13-15 y/o
males - 2800
females - 2250
nutritional requirement:
16-18 y/o
males - 2840
females - 2050
CHON intake
males - 71-73 g/day
females - 63-59 g/day
(note: yung range ay katumbas nung age range; 13-15 years = 71, 16-18 = 73… baka mapansin niyo bakit baliktad yung numbers :DD)
Vitamins and minerals intake for male adolescents are slightly increase than the females, except in ___
calcium RDA
1000 mg/day
iron RDA
males - 20-14 mg
females - 21-27 mg
iodine RDA
150 mcg
how is iodine supplied in the diet?
iodized salt
fiber RDA
males - 31 g
females - 25 g
fat RDA
total fat:
saturated fat:
dietary chole:
300 mg/day
- refers to the state of increase body weight in relation to height
- Body Mass Index (BMI) between 85-95th percentile.
- defined as an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass
- BMI > 95th percentile
tumor/lesions impact satiety signaling pathways, structural damage leads to hyperphagia & rapid weight gain
hypothalamic factor
idea is that each body is programmed to have a basic set number of fat cells; creation of new fat cells is far easier than losing old ones
adipose cell theory
there is a control system built into every person dictating how much fat he/she should carry; some have high setting, others have low one
set-point theory
risk factors of obesity
socio-cultural factors
psychological factors
decreased physical activity
___ of females consider they are overweight
- Serious, chronic & often life-threatening disorder defined by preoccupation with weight & refusal to eat to maintain minimal body weight
- excessive weight loss due to restricting eating
- brittle hair and nails, yellowish and dry skin, hypothermia, depression, and emaciation.
anorexia nervosa
- Weight loss of at least 15% below normal or Ideal body weight(IBW) for height or age.
- Weight loss is self-induced by avoiding fattening foods.
- There is self-perception of being too fat with an overwhelming dread of fatness.
anorexia nervosa
-Eating disorder marked by weight preoccupation & destructive binge
eating, followed by purging.
- eating large quantities of food often in a frantic way with a feeling of loss of control
bulimia nervosa
- Binge eating, purging, using laxatives & diuretics, vomiting, excessive exercise
- Erosion of dental enamel, sore at the back of hand, depression, weight loss
bulimia nervosa
Excoriations and scars on the back of the knuckles and hands
russell’s sign
- Disorder characterized by eating too much even if they are not hungry & feel disgusted after eating
- “ Stress” / “emotional eating”
binge eating disorders
- Recurrent episodes of overeating at least 2x a week over period of 3 months. Large amounts of food are consumed in short period of time.
- Person attempts to counteract the fattening effects of food by self-induced vomiting, self-induced purging, alternating periods of starvation, drugs e.g. appetite depressants or diuretics.
binge eating disorders
Not able to digest ingested lactose in small intestines that may cause bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramping & diarrhea
lactose intolerance
which vitamin should be increased in an adolescent athlete
vitamin B - for energy metabolism
when should sports beverages containing carbs and electrolytes be consumed?
before, during and after exercise
The minerals ___ and ___ are needed in larger amounts because of loss through perspiration.
sodium and potassium
___ can affect the fat content of the blood, damage the liver, change the reproductive system, and even alter facial appearance.
steroid drugs
Pack lunch or foods should be safe to eat after ___ hrs of preparation.