● The body’s chief source of energy
● Organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen (CHO)
carbs are found or prominent in ??
plant kingdom
where are carbs stored in order to be converted quickly into body’s energy?
muscles and in the liver
● Simplest form of carbohydrates
● They are sweet, require no digestion, and can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the small intestine.
They include glucose, fructose, and galactose.
● Dextrose or grape sugar
● “Physiologic sugar”
● Only sugar in the blood
● End product of CHO digestion
● Found naturally in corn syrup and some fruits and vegetables
● Levulose or fruit sugar
● Found in honey, fruits (increased ripeness: increased ___), and vegetables
● Occurs mostly as part of lactose
● Hydrolyzed from lactose
Pairs of single sugars linked together. All types contain glucose as one of their single sugars.
● Table or white sugar
● Usually obtained by refining the juice from sugar beets or sugarcane
● Occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables
● Glucose + Fructose
● “Milk Sugar”
● Found in mammary glands (breast milk)not in plants
● Helps the body absorb calcium
● Least sweet of all disaccharides
● Glucose + Galactose
● Plant sugar consists of two glucose units (glucose + glucose)
● Used as sweetener, not usually found in the diet
Produced when starch breaks down in plants with the aid of enzyme Diastase for energy and start to sprout (ex. grains) and in human beings during carbohydrate digestion.
● Created during the fermentation process that produces alcohol
● Found in some infant formulas, malt beverage products, and beer.
● Commonly called complex carbohydrates
● Compounds of many monosaccharides
● The storage form of glucose in plants
● World’s most abundant and cheap form of CHO
● Supply energy over a longer period of time
Mostly found in grains & cereals, cooked dried beans & peas & tubers e.g. potato, camote, yam & cassava, bread, pasta, & chestnuts)
● Storage form of glucose in the body
● Stored in the Liver
● Approximately one-half day’s supply of energy is stored as ___ in the liver and muscles
● When needed for energy, hormone glucagon in the liver will help convert it into glucose again
● Also called roughage
● Indigestible because it cannot be broken down by digestive enzymes
● Increases peristaltic movement of the intestine
● Types: soluble and insoluble
Dissolves in water, forms gel & more readily digested by bacteria in the human large intestine
soluble fibers
● Primary found in fruits, vegetables, oats, barley, & legumes & the grain psyllium
● Binds bile acids so that they can be absorbed in the colon leading to excretion
soluble fibers
● Reduces serum cholesterol
● Helps in the delay of blood glucose concentration
● Found in barley, legumes, fruits, oats, and vegetables & grain psyllium
soluble fibers
● Don’t dissolve in water, don’t form gels & less readily fermented
● Also known as cellulose or roughage
● Cellulose prevents breakdown
insoluble fibers
● Retain their structure and rough texture even after hours of cooking
● Found primarily in outer layer of whole grain the strings of celery, the hulls of seeds, and the skins of corn kernels
insoluble fibers
- sugar substitute for candies, gums, beverages
- found in fruits and vegetables
- found in pineapple, olives, asparagus, carrots
- added as drying agent in many foods
- increases urine production through osmotic effects on blood and urine
- Given to patients with brain edema
salivary amylase; grinding
first digestive juice to act on starchy foods; initiate chemical process
Not much carbohydrate digestion
pancreatic amylase; converts starch to dextrins & dextrin to maltose absorption
small intestine
glucose anabolized to release energy, water & C02
in the cells
occurs when the level of glucose in your blood drops below what is healthy for you
occurs when the level of glucose in your blood rises above what is healthy for you
the pancreas does not make insulin, because the body’s immune system attacks the islet cells in the pancreas that make insulin
DM type 1
the pancreas makes less insulin than used to, and your body becomes resistant to insulin
DM type 2