refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and or nutrients
- more nutritionally vulnerable than infants
- undergo crucial food habits development
1-5 years old
low weight for height
low height for age
low weight for age
the philippines ___ in the world in having the highest number of stunted children
a child needs to reach a height of ___ cm when they are 2 years old
EO 51
philippine milk code
RA 11148
kalusugan at nutrisyon ng mag-nanay act
RA 10028
expanded brestfeeding promotion act
RA 11210
expanded maternity leave act
RA 11037
masustansyang pagkain para sa batang pilipino act
RA 11223
universal health care act
RA 11310
institutionalizing the 4P
how many percent?
___ metabolic activities
___ physical activities
___ growth needs
___ fecal loss
energy intake for 1-3 y/o
1350 kcal/day
energy intake for 4-6 y/o
1350 + 250 kcal /day
recommended energy intake:
1-2 y/o
male - 1000
female - 920
recommended energy intake:
3-5 y/o
male - 1350
female - 1260
recommended energy intake:
6-9 y/o
male - 1600
female - 1470
recommended energy intake:
10-12 y/o
male - 2060
female - 1980
nutrient allowances:
1-5-2 g/kg body weight
nutrient allowances:
vit A, C, riboflavin and thiamin
nutrient allowances:
calcium, iron, iodine, fluoride, and zinc
simmer this type of milk for 30 mins to make it last longer
fresh whole milk
how many tbsp of powdered whole milk to make 1 cup
4 level tbsp
mixture for evaporated milk
1/2 milk and 1/2 cup water
what is the recommended type of milk for children?
skim milk with butter oil (to restore normal fat content)
- slow and steady growth
- quiet stage, in preparation or adolescence
- start to assert individuality
- can be taught to see the relationship of food to a healthy body
6-12 years
nutrient allowance for CHON in 6-12 y/o
43-54 g
nutrient allowance for iron in 6-12 y/o
11-19 mg
nutrient allowance for vitamin C in 6-9 and 10-12 y/o
6-9 years - 35 mg
10-12 years - 45 mg
nutrient allowance for calcium in 6-12 y/o
700-1000 mg/day
nutrient allowance for iodine in 6-12 y/o
120 mcg
goals of school feeding program in the ph
- improve the nutrition of school children
- aid in strengthening the nutrition and health education program
- foster proper eating habits
- inadequate intake of energy or protein or both
- underweight, stunting, wasting
protein-energy malnutrition
causes negative
impact on cognitive (problem solving), behavior performance.
iron deficiency anemia
this nutritional problem commonly stems from usually omitting breakfast
micronutrient malnutrition
- low intake of vitamin A rich foods
- poor absorption of vitamin A due to low intake of fat
vitamin A deficiency
parasites interfere with Fe & fat absorption; decrease nitrogen &
vit. C retention
this nutritional problem is caused by long exposure of teeth in acidic environment
dental carries
- may result in psychosocial difficulties & diseases like HPN, DM
- inactivity, poor eating habits