Viscerocranium - Connections and Borders GBA Flashcards
Cranial Nerves in separate Deck
Orbit - Posterior Ethmoidal Canal
From where to where, Contents?
Orbit - Posterior Ethmoidal Canal
Posterior Ethmoidal Air Cells and Sphenoid Sinus
Posterior Ethmoidal VAN
Nasal Cavity: Semilunar Hiatus - Location?
From where to where?
Nasal Cavity:Semilunar Hiatus
Located in the Middle Nasal Meatus, Btw Uncinate Process and Ethmoidal Bulla.
Anteriorly - Ethmoidal Infundibulum to Frontal Sinus
Posteriorly - Aperture to Maxillary Sinus
Tympanic Cavity - Anterior Wall:
Structures and Connections
Tympanic Cavity - Anterior Wall:
1) Musculotubarian Canal (Tensor Tympani+E.Tube)
2) Lesser Petrosal Nerve Canal to Middle Cranial Fossa
3) Caroticotympanic Canaliculus (Sym. Plexus + Artery)
4) Petrotympanic Fissure - Chorda Tympani Nerve Exit
Nasal Cavity: Incisive Canal
From where to where, Contents?
Nasal Cavity: Incisive Canal
From Common Nasal Meatus to Oral Cavity
Nasopalatine VAN (from Maxillary Nerve)
Orbit - Optic Canal
From where to where, Contents?
Orbit - Optic Canal
From Middle Cranial Fossa
Optic Nerve and Opthalmic Artery
Oral Cavity: Mandibular Canal
From where to where, Contents?
Oral Cavity: Mandibular Canal
From Mandibular Foramen to Mental Foramen
Inferior Alveolar VAN
Nasal Cavity: Connection of Superior Nasal Meatus
From where to where, Contents?
Nasal Cavity: Connection of Superior Nasal Meatus
to Posterior Ethmoidal Air cells
Nasal Cavity: Sphenopalatine Foramen
From where to where, Contents?
Nasal Cavity: Sphenopalatine Foramen
From Common Nasal Meatus to Pterygopalatine Fossa
Superior posterior nasal Nerves (from Nasopalatine V2)
Sphenopalatine Artery
Tympanic Cavity - Posterior Wall:
Structures and Connections
Tympanic Cavity - Posterior Wall:
1) Canaliculus of Chorda Tympani - From Facial Canal
2) Facial Canal
3) Antrum for Mastoid Air Cells
4) Pyramidal Eminence for Stapedius Muscle
Borders and Bones of the Orbit
Borders and Bones of the Orbit:
Superior - Frontal
Inferior- Zygomatic and Maxilla
Lateral - Zygomatic, Sphenoid and Frontal
Medial - Lacrimal, Palatine, Maxilla and Sphenoid
(Posterior is all of the following except lacrymal)
Oral Cavity: Incisive Canal
From where to where, Contents?
Oral Cavity: Incisive Canal
From Common Nasal Meatus to Oral Cavity
Nasopalatine VAN (from Maxillary Nerve)
Orbit - Anterior Ethmoidal Canal
From where to where, Contents?
Orbit - Anterior Ethmoidal Canal
Anterior cranial Fossa
Anterior Ethmoidal VAN
Orbit - Superior Orbital Fissure
From where to where, Contents?
Not in common tendon ring
Orbit - Superior Orbital Fissure
From Middle cranial fossa
Not in common tendon ring - Frontal, Trochlear, Lacrimal Branches of CNV1 and Superior Opthalmic vein
Orbit - Aditus Orbitae
From where to where, Contents?
Orbit - Aditus Orbitae
to Face
Nasal Cavity: Cribriform Plate and Foramina
From where to where, Contents?
Nasal Cavity : Cribriform Plate and Foramina
From Common Nasal Meatus to Anterior Cranial Fossa
Olfactory Nerve and Anterior Ethmoidal VAN