Urogenital System Embryology GBA Flashcards
What are the derivatives of Gubernaculum?
Male -Extra-Abdominal Tissue remnant of Testis outflow from the Body wall, Will anchor the Testis to Scrotum.
Female -Forming the Ovarian and Round Ligament
Pronephros Derivatives
No Derivatives in Humans
Result of the Incorporation of Mesonephric ducts in to the posterior wall of bladder?
Urinary Trigone
Metanephros is Functional By week..
week 10
Low yeild but still
Urinary Bladder Origin
Urogenital Sinus part of Allantois
What do developed Sertoli cells secrete to suppress female gonad development?
Mullerian- Inhibiting Factor
Transitional Epithelium in the Ureter and Urinary Bladder Origin:
Ureter Transitional Epithelium - Mesoderm
Urinary Bladder Transitional Epithelium - Ectoderm
(Low yeild but still)
Where does the Anterior Portion of the Vagina originated from?
Cloacal Membrane
Mesonephros Derivatives
Mesonephric Duct (Wolffian)
Metanephros Derivatives
Ureteric Bud and Metanephric Mesoderm
Fate of the Mesonephric Duct (Wolffian) in Males and In Females?
Male Mesonephric Duct (Wolffian):
Persists, formes - Epididymis, V.Deferens, Prostate, Seminal Vesicles.
Female Mesonephric Duct (Wolffian) Degenerates - Epoophoron Remnant.
Layers of the Testis and the corresponding Abdominal Wall Element (If exists):
From Inner to Outer:
1) Tunica Albuginea
2) Tunica Vaginalis - Peritoneum
3) Internal Spermatic Fascia - Transversalis F.
4) Cremasteric Muscle+Fascia - Transverse Abdominis and Internal Oblique M.
5) External Spermatic Fascia - External Oblique F.
6) Tunica Dartos
7) Skin of Scrotum
What is the SRY Gene?
Sex determining Region Y protein :
Also called Testis determining factor allowing the formation of Leydig and Sertoli cells, In the absence of them Ovaries form.
Fate of the Mesonephric Duct Excretory Tubules in Males and In Females?
In both Male and Female they are degenerated to allow free motion of the developing Gonad
Fate of the Medullary Cords of Developing Gonad in Males and In Females?
Males - Rete testis
Females - Degenerate
Fate of the Paramesonephric Duct (Mullerian) in Males and In Females?
Paramesonephric Duct (Mullerian) in Females: Posterior Vagina, Uterus, Fallopian tube Paramesonephric Duct (Mullerian) in Males: Appendix Testis and Prosthetic Utricle
Allantois Remnant
Urachus - Median Umbilical Fold
Urogenital Ridge forms (Other than Nephrogenic Ridge):
Gonadal Ridge
Ureteric Bud Derivatives
Ureteric Bud: Ureter Renal Pelvis Major and Minor Calyces Collecting Duct
Metanephric Mesoderm Derivatives
Metanephric Mesoderm: Connecting tubule DCT + PCT Loop of Henle Bowman's Capsule Renal Glomerulus
Metanephros Movement
Elevation from S1-S2 to T12-L3
Intermediate Mesoderm forms Urogenital Ridge that in turn forms Nephrogenic Ridge - Which 3 structures will be formed from it?