Macroscopy Neuroanatomy GBA Flashcards
What are the recesses of the 3rd ventricle?
- Triangular Recess
- Suprapineal Recess
- Pineal Recess
- Infundibular Recess
- Optic Recess
4th Ventricle Exits:
Cerebral Aqueduct to 3rd ventricle
Lateral Aperture (Lucska) - Pontocerebellar Cistern
Medial Aperture (Magandi) - Cerebellomedullary Cistern
Obex - to Spinal Cord Central Canal
3rd Ventricle Superior Border:
3rd Ventricle Superior Border:
Taenia Thalami, Habenula
What can we find in the Cranial Epidural space (Virtual) ?
Meningeal Arteries
Epidural Hematoma - Always Arterial Blood
What can we find in the Spinal Epidural space ?
Veins and Fatty Tissue
What takes the CSF from the Cisterns back to the Direction of the Cranial Dural Sinuses?
Arachnoid Granulations
What can we find in the Cranial Dura?
Dural Sinuses
3rd Ventricle Posterior Border:
3rd Ventricle Posterior Border:
Posterior and Habenular Commissure + Pineal
Br and Name of the Sensory Speech Area?
Supramarginal Gyrus and Angular Gyrus
39, 40
Which Cerebral Lobes give the Operculae?
Sections of the Vermis (S to I):
Lingula Central Lobule Culmen Declive Folium Tuber Pyramid Uvula Nodule
Br and Name of the Premotor Area?
Superior Frontal Gyrus (Just Ant to Precentral)
Br and Name of the Prefrontal Area?
Middle and Superior Frontal Gyrus
9, 10 , 11 ,12
Br and Name of the Secondary Visual Cortex Area?
Parastriate Area (Cuneus) 18
Sinuses Draining to the Confluence of Sinuses (Directly):
Superior Sagittal Sinus
Rectus Sinus
Transverse Sinus (And vice versa)
Reflections of Cranial Dura Matter:
Falx Cerebri
Falx Cerebelli
Tentorium Cerebelli
Diaphragm of Sella Tursica
Br and Name of the Auditory Area?
Transverse (Superior)Temporal Gyrus (Heshel’s)
41, 42
Lumbar Area special Features of Spinal Cord?
Conus terminalis
Filum terminale
Cauda Equina
Br 8?
Frontal Eye Field
Superior Frontal Gyrus
Triangular Recess borders ( in 3rd ventricle):
Triangular Recess :
Fornix Columns and Anterior Commissure
Br and Name of the Primary Motor Area?
Precentral Gyrus
Lamina Affixa?!
Lamina on thalamus between:
Tenia Choroidea and Thalamostriate Vein
Lateral Ventricle - Anterior Horn Borders:
Lateral Ventricle - Anterior Horn Borders:
Lat - Head of caudate
Med - Septum Pellucidum
Inf+Sup+Ant - Corpus Callosum
Which veins (Major) drain to the Internal Cerebral Vein?
Thalamostriate veins
Septum Pellucidum Veins
3rd Ventricle Inferior Border:
3rd Ventricle Inferior Border:
Hypothalamus, Optic Chiasm, Subthalamus
What can we find in the Cranial Subarachnoid space ?
Cerebral Arteries
Cerebral Veins
Br and Name of the Primary Visual Cortex Area?
Striate Area (Both sides of Calcarine sulcus) - Occipital Pole 17
Lateral Ventricle - Inferior Horn Borders:
Lateral Ventricle - Inferior Horn Borders:
Superolaterally - Tapetum + Stria terminalis
Inferiorly - Hippocampus + Collateral Eminence
Anteriorly - Amygdaloid Nucleus
Medially - Fimbria Hippocampi
Br and Name of the Tertiary Visual Cortex Area?
Peristriate Area (Cuneus) 19
Where are the Spinal Cord Enlargements?
Lumbar and Cervical
3rd Ventricle Lateral Borders:
3rd Ventricle Lateral Border:
Thalamus, Hypothalamus
Where are all of the following found?
Medial eminence, Sulcus Limitans, Facial Colliculus, Hypoglossal and Vagal Trigones, Vestibular Area, Locus Coeruleus, Area Postrema.
Rhomboid Fossa
4th Ventricle Posterior-Superior Border:
4th Ventricle Posterior-Superior Border:
Superior and Inferior Medullary Velum + Fastigium
(Choroid Plexus on Inf. Medullary Velum)
What can we find in the Spinal Subarachnoid space ?
What can we find in the Cranial Subdural space (Virtual) ?
Bridge veins
Like Gullens vein leading to Rectus sinus
Subdural Hematoma - Always Venous Blood
Br and Name of the Gustatory Area?
Inferior Postcentral Gyrus and Insula
Lobules of Cerebellum (S to I):
Ala of central Quadrangular Simplex Superior and inferior Semilunar Biventer Tonsil Floculos
Br and Name of the Broca’s Speech Area?
Opercular and Triangular Parts of Inferior Frontal Gyrus
44, 45
Teniae of Lateral Ventricle:
Central Part:
Superior; Tenia Fornicis and Inferior; Tenia Choroidea
Inferior Horn:
Superior; Tenia Terminalis and Inferior; Tenia Fimbriae
(Because of the Circular rotation Positions Switch)
3rd Ventricle Anterior Border:
3rd Ventricle Anterior Border:
Anterior Commissure, Columns of Fornix, L. Terminalis
Lamina Terminalis?!
Lamina on the Anteromedial Aspect of Hypthalamus
Remnant of the Closure of the Anterior Neuropore
Br and Name of the Primary Somatosensory Area?
Postcentral Gyrus and Paracentral Lobule
3, 1 , 2
Sinuses Draining to the Sigmoid Sinus (Directly):
Transverse Sinus
Superior and Inferior Petrosal Sinuses
Br and Name of the Wrenckie’s Speech Area?
Middle Temporal Gyrus
Lateral Ventricle - Posterior Horn Borders:
Lateral Ventricle - Posterior Horn Borders:
Laterally - Tapetum of Corp. Callosum
Medially - Calcar Avis and Major Forceps
Inferiorly - Collateral Trigone
Lobes of the Cerebellum(S to I):
Anterior lobe - Paleocerebellum (Tone)
Posterior lobe - Neocerebellum (Coordination)
Flocculonodular lobe - Archicerebellum (Balance)
What are the Main 7 Cisterns?
1) Cerebellomedullary
2) Ambiens
3) Pontocerebellar
4) Chaismatic
5) Fossa Lateralis
6) Interpeduncularis
7) Corpus Callosi
4th Ventricle Anterior-Inferior Border:
4th Ventricle Anterior-Inferior Border:
Rhomboid Fossa
Lateral Ventricle - Central Part Borders:
Lateral Ventricle - Central Part Borders:
Superiorly - Corpus callosum
Inferiorly - Lamina Affixa (Thalamus)
Laterally - Body of Caudate
Br and Name of the Associative Somatosensory Area?
Superior Parietal Lobule and Precuneus
5 , 7
Where do the Internal Cerebral vein to? With what other vein? Next drainage after that?
With the Basilic vein to the Great Cerebral vein and from there to the Rectus sinus.