Virology, Mycology and Parasitology - Not on Sketchy Flashcards
What are the benefits of penicillium genus for human?
Penicillin Synthesis and Cheese Making
What is the name of the Fungus that produces Penicillin?
P. chrysogenum (formerly Known as P. notatum)
Name Penicillium fungi that produce cheese?
Penicillium camemberti and Penicillium roqueforti
Basic structure of Penicillium
“pencil-like” ascomycetous fungi
Candida _________ is a fungal species of yeast that has become a significant cause of sepsis and of wound and tissue infections in immunocompromised people.
Candida Parapsilosis is a fungal species of yeast that has become a significant cause of sepsis and of wound and tissue infections in immunocompromised people.
Candida _________ is a common pathogen in neutropenic hosts, in whom it may spread through the bloodstream to peripheral organs.
Candida tropicalis is a common pathogen in neutropenic hosts, in whom it may spread through the bloodstream to peripheral organs.
Candida _________ is a fungal opportunistic pathogen originally isolated from AIDS patients. occasionally isolated from immunocompetent individuals.
Candida dubliniensis is a fungal opportunistic pathogen originally isolated from AIDS patients. occasionally isolated from immunocompetent individuals.
Candida ____ is one of the few species of the genus Candida which cause candidiasis in humans. Often, candidiasis is acquired in hospitals by patients with weakened immune systems.
Candida Auris is one of the few species of the genus Candida which cause candidiasis in humans. Often, candidiasis is acquired in hospitals by patients with weakened immune systems.
Acanthamoeba spp - Characteristics
Amoeba Include (human pathogens)- A. castellani, A. keratitis • Trophozoite (the infective form) • Cyst Found in soil and water (free-living)
Acanthamoeba spp - Transmission
Contaminated water sources- free-living amoeba in freshwater:
- Associated with swimming in lakes during summer
- Associated with patients involving in water sports
- Associated with nasal irrigation (neti pot)
- Can contaminate contact lens solutions
Acanthamoeba spp - Pathogenesis
Trophozoites can travel up the nose and through the cribriform plate into the CNS.
Trophozoites or cysts may be also inhaled into respiratory tract.
Acanthamoeba spp - Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis (GAE)
Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis (GAE)
After incubation period of 10 days
Especially in immunocompromised patients
- Single or couple brain abscesses and edema of brain tissue
- Slower course of disease (DDx from Naegleria)
- Can disseminate to other organ causing granulomatous disease
Acanthamoeba spp - Amoebic Keratitis
• Amoebic Keratitis
Due to eye trauma before contacting contaminated soil, dust or water
Can also be associated with contact lenses
- Result in corneal ulceration and severe ocular pain
Acanthamoeba spp - Diagnosis
• Wet mount of CSF specimen by lumbar puncture (LP)- show trophozoite and cysts
- Both trophozoite and cysts are seen in tissue (DDx from Naelgeria)
• Culture with Gram negative bacteria- amoeba will leave trails (due to movement)
Acanthamoeba spp - Treatment
Since the disease course is slower- can be treated with several drugs:
• Pentamidine
• Ketoconazole
• Flucytosine
Naegleria __________ and Naegleria _____ have been shown to produce disease in experimental animals.
Naegleria australiensis and Naegleria italica have been shown to produce disease in experimental animals.
Balantidium coli - Characteristics
Ciliate– the only member of this protozoa group which is human pathogen
• Trophozoite: covered with hair-like cilia (motile), 2 nuclei– one micro- and one macronucleus
• Cyst: smaller, surrounded by wall, have 1 nucleus (macronucleus)
Reservoir: pigs (and monkeys)
Balantidium coli - Transmission
- Pig feces – contaminating vegetables, fruits or water sources
Balantidium coli - Pathogenesis
Ingestion of cyst → excyst in intestine → trophozoite invade into mucosal lining of large intestine, cecum and terminal ileum.
Balantidium coli - Balantidiasis
Balantidiasis - Amebiasis-like disease:
Most of the cases result in an asymptomatic carrier
Symptomatic disease includes:
- Abdominal pain, tenderness, tenesmus, nausea, anorexia
- Watery diarrhea with blood and pus:
This is due to ulceration of intestinal mucosa- like amebiasis
Extra-intestinal involvement is rare (DDx from Entamoeba amebiasis)
Balantidium coli - Diagnosis
Microscopic examination of stool specimen- trophozoites and cysts are seen
- Can be detected by wet mount (B. coli is relatively large parasite)
Balantidium coli - Treatment
- Tetracycline- drug of choice
* Metronidazole and Iodoquinol can be also use
Balantidium coli - Prevention
Filtration and chlorination of water
Trichuris trichiura (Whipworm) - Transmission
Ingestion of eggs-
hatch in small intestine → migrate to cecum → penetrate the wall → mature into adults