Microbiology - Semester 2 Minimum Questions Flashcards
What are the fungal cell components (3 example)?
Cytoplasmic membrane with ergosterin, cell wall build up by chitin, glucan, or cellulose.
Classification the fungi by morphology?
Unicellular or yeast, multicellular or mould and dimorphic
Characterisation of the dimorphic fungus
They grow like moulds at room temperature and grow like yeast at body temperature.
List at least two asexual spore type.
Conidia, Spherule, Arthrospore, Blastopore
What is the cultivation temperature of the fungi?
25°C and 37°C to detect the dimorphism.
What kind of culture media can be used to cultivate fungi?
Sabouraud culture media.
What are the content (2 example) of Sabouraud culture media?
Antifungal agents against environmental moulds, carbohydrates, antibiotics.
What kind of diseases can be caused by fungi?
Allergic reactions, intoxications, mycosis (tissue damage of fungi).
Classification of the mycosis?
Superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, systemic, and opportunistic mycosis.
What kind of staining can be used in mycology? (2 example)
Gram-, methylene blue-, India ink-, PAS-, Gömöri-Grocott staining.
Mode of action of the antifungal drugs?
Inhibition of ergosterin synthesis, pore formation on membrane, inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, inhibition of cell division
List three causative agent of systemic mycosis.
Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Paracoccidoides immitis
List two Candida species.
Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis.
List three causative agent of opportunistic mycosis.
Candida sp, Cryptococcus neoformans, Pneumocystis jirovecii, Aspergillus sp.,
Penicillium sp., Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp.
Which fungus can cause subcutaneous mycosis?
Sporothrix shenkii
What is the most common causative agent of superficial mycosis?
Malassezia furfur
List two causative agent of dermatomycosis.
Trichopyton sp., Microsporum sp., Epidermophyton sp.
What kind of diseases can be caused by dermatophytes? (3 example)?
Tinea pedis, T. manus, T. capitis, T. corporis, T. faciei, T barbae.
List two Trichophyton species.
Trichphyton rubrum, T. verrucosum, T. schonleinii, T. tonsurans
What are the source of the infection caused by dermatophytes?
Anthropophilic – human,
geophilic – soil,
zoophilic – animal
What are the development stages of the protozoa?
Trophozoite and cyst
What are the properties of the trophozoite?
Can move, feed, multiply and die
What are the properties of the cyst?
Is responsible for surviving in unfavourable environment, not showing biochemical activity is a dormant structure
How can the protozoa be classified?
By the type of movement: amoeba, ciliate, flagellate and sporozoa