Verbs: Past Imperfect Flashcards
What did I do?
Que faisais-je ?
I was at her house last month.
J’étais chez elle le mois dernier.
(they?) went
Her daughter came just after her.
Sa fille venait juste après elle.
(I?) wanted
I was going to write a letter.
J’allais écrire une lettre.
His mother was saying too many things.
Sa mère disait trop de choses.
She had just walked.
Elle venait juste de marcher.
we found
nous trouvions
She looked at me.
Elle me regardait.
At least he believed.
Du moins, il croyait.
I was talking to my father.
Je parlais à mon père.
He felt fine.
Il se sentait bien.
She always knew.
Elle savait toujours.
Last week I saw my husbands aunt.
La semaine dernière je voyais la tante de mon mari.
I was speaking with my parents about that.
Je parlais de ça avec mes parents.
He was feeling bad.
Il se sentait mal.
He did not believe her in the beginning.
Il ne la croyait pas au début.
You never told me that.
Tu ne me disais jamais ça.
There is less time than I thought.
Il y a moins de temps que je ne le pensais.
You only had to say no.
Tu avais seulement à dire non.
I knew how to do it.
Je savais faire cela.
Why did I say that?
Pourquoi disais-je ça ?
She was looking out the window.
Elle regardait à travers la fenêtre.
You had time to do it.
Tu avais le temps pour le faire.
You used to come to this restaurant often.
Vous veniez souvent dans ce restaurant.
I was visiting monuments and taking pictures.
Je visitais des monuments et prenais des photos.