Verbs - Class 2 (Malay-English) Part 1 Flashcards
Learn the "me" verbs that are usually transitive (take an object) but sometimes intransitive. Formed from Class 1 verbs
‘me’ with l/m/n/ng/ny/r/w/y
‘me’ with g/h/k/q/all the vowels
*For “k” verbs, drop the “k”
’me’ with b/v
mem with p/f dropped
‘me’ with p/f
‘me’ with c/d/j/t/z
*For “t” verbs, drop the “t”
‘me’ with s
‘me’ with all monosyllabic words (with the exception of a few)
menonton (tonton)
to watch
menyalak (salak)
to bark
memaki (maki)
- to abuse verbally
- to bawl out
- to berate (toscoldorcondemnvehementlyand atlength)
mengqasar (qasar)
to shorten prayer
mengeja (eja)
to spell
mengorak (orak)
to untie a knot
memikir (fikir)
to think
menjawab (jawab)
to answer
menziarah (ziarah)
to visit a holy place/to visit as a courtesy
mengepam (pam)
to pump
mengepos (pos)
to post letters
mengecam (cam)
- to assail (to oppose, challenge, or criticize harshly and forcefully)
- to assault (to violently make a physical attack on)
- to recognise
- to denounce
mencetak (cetak)
to print
mengecat (cat)
to paint
mengelap (lap)
to wipe
mengebom (bom)
to bomb
mengetut (tut)
to bud graft
melukis (lukis)
to draw
melihat (lihat)
to see/to watch
melompat (lompat)
to jump
melawat (lawat)
to visit
melatih (latih)
to train
menilai (nilai)
- to assess
- to appraise
menganga (nganga)
- to open the mouth
- to gape
- to gawk
menyanyi (nyanyi)
to sing
mengejar (kejar)
to chase
merasa (rasa)
to taste
menggali (gali)
to dig
menggigit (gigit)
to bite
- menghantar (hantar)
- mengirim (kirim)
to send
menghisap (hisap)
to suck/to smoke
mengajar (ajar)
to teach
mengumpul (kumpul)
- to collect
- to raise (funds)
mengambil (ambil)
to take
meraba (raba)
to grope
mengikut (ikut)
to follow
mengikat (ikat)
to tie
mengukur (ukur)
to measure
membeli (beli)
to buy
membuat (buat)
to make
membuka (buka)
to open
membaca (baca)
to read
membasuh (basuh)
to wash
membawa (bawa)
to bring
memukul (pukul)
to strike/to hit
memakai (pakai)
to wear/to use
memotong (potong)
to cut
memegang (pegang)
- to hold
- to have
- to keep
memasang (pasang)
to fix/to install/to switch on
memilih (pilih)
to choose
memeriksa (periksa)
to examine
mencari (cari)
to find
mencukur (cukur)
- to cut hair/to shave/to razor
- to defeat
- to fleece, shear
- get the better of
menjemput (jemput)
to invite
menjahit (jahit)
to stitch
mendengar (dengar)
to hear/to listen
menutup (tutup)
to close
- menolong (tolong)
- membantu (bantu)
to help
menulis (tulis)
to write
menangkap (tangkap)
to catch
menolak (tolak)
to push
menengok (tengok)
- to see
- to ascertain
- to ask over/invite
menerima (terima)
to receive/to accept
menarik (tarik)
to pull
menembak (tembak)
to shoot
menangis (tangis)
to cry
menyepak (sepak)
to kick
menyusun (susun)
- to arrange
- to compile
- to compose
menyapu (sapu)
to sweep
menyoal (soal)
more on questioning
1. to question/to ask
2. to consider
menyimpan (simpan)
to keep
menyewa (sewa)
to rent/to hire
menyelam (selam)
to dive
mengecap (cap)
- to stamp
- to print
- to brand as
menjerit (jerit)
- to shout out
- to yell
- to bawl
- to bellow
memijak (pijak)
- to tread
- to step on
melanggar (langgar)
- to flout
- to offend
- to strike
- to knock against
memanjat (panjat)
- to ascend
- to climb
- to clamber
menggantung (gantung)
- to suspend
- to hang
- to adjourn
- to string up
menebang (tebang)
for trees
1. to bring down
2. to chop down
3. to cut, hew, fell
menanya (tanya)
- to ask
- to enquire
- to inquire
menjerang (jerang)
to boil
menjulang (julang)
to carry
memeluk (peluk)
- to embrace
- to convert
- to adopt
menyiram (siram)
to water
menderu (deru)
- to boom
- to howl
- to bellow
- to roar
memancar (pancar)
- to flash
- to beam
- to shine
- to radiate
memandu (pandu)
to drive
menggosok (gosok)
- to scrub
- to rub
- to brush
meninggal (tinggal) dunia
to die
menyuruh (suruh)
- instruct, command
- ask
- tell