Class 5 Verbs (English - Malay) Flashcards
-Contains the prefix "me" & the suffix "kan" -Entirely transitive verbs that are either causative ("subject" + "to cause/make/allow/let" + "object" + "verb") or benefactive (someone for whom the action is done). The direct object experiences a "shake-up" or "movement" -Formed from nouns, adjectives, adverbs, & certain Class 1 Verbs -If 2 or more Class 5 verbs are used successively, only the last verb takes the suffix "kan" -If the sentence is in the Imperative, the prefix "me" is dropped
- to leave
- to renounce
- to abandon
meninggalkan (tinggal)
to bathe/wash someone
memandikan (mandi)
- turn
- annul
- to return something, to bring back
membalikkan (balik)
- to convey, carry
- to deliver
- to communicate
menyampaikan (sampai)
- to take something out, to withdraw
- to eliminate
- to emit
mengeluarkan (keluar)
to make someone sit
mendudukan (duduk)
- to cause
- to bring, to bring about, to bring forth
mendatangkan (datang)
- to deposit
- to make something go in
- to accede
- to accept
- to acquiesce
memasukkan (masuk)
- to raise
- to up, to increase
- to hike
- to advance
menaikkan (naik)
- to decrease
- to lower
- to reduce
menurunkan (turun)
- to expose
- to rain
menghujankan (hujan)
- to drive
- to run
- to dispense
menjalankan (jalan)
to reflect, to contemplate, to chew over
mencerminkan (cermin)
to hold an umbrella over someone
memayungkan (payung)
- to portray, to depict
- to picture
- to visualize
menggambarkan (gambar)
to form into a book
membukukan (buku)
to smoke
mengasapkan (asap)
to chair, to lead
mempengerusikan (pengerusi)
- to feed with milk
- to nurse
menyusukan (susu)
- to lengthen
- to prolong
- to broaden
- to forward
- to pass on
memanjangkan (panjang)
- to prune
- to truncate
- to abbreviate
- to shorten
memendekkan (pendek)
- to clean
- to purge
- to cleanse
membersihkan (bersih)
- to blacken
- to darken
menghitamkan (hitam)
- to brighten
- to modify
- to account
menerangkan (terang)
to fatten
menggemukkan (gemuk)
- to straighten
- to adapt
- to adjust
- to align
meluruskan (lurus)
- to enlarge
- to magnify
membesarkan (besar)
- to avoid
- to alien, to alienate
- to keep away
- to avert
menjauhkan (jauh)
- to empty
- to vacate
- to abandon
mengosongkan (kosong)
- to pacify, to quieten
- to soothe
menenangkan (tenang)
- to hasten
- to precipitate [cause (an event or situation, typically one that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely]
- to accelerate
- to expedite [make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.]
menyegarakan (segera)
- to delay
- to detain
- to draw out
melambatkan (lambat)
to put before
mendahulukan (dahulu)
- to complete
- to finish
- to cease
menyudahkan (sudah)
- to put later, to delay
- to defer (postpone)
- to detain
mengemudiankan (kemudian)
- to aggrandise [increase the power, status, or wealth of; enhance the reputation of (someone) beyond what is justified by the facts]
- to blow up
- to widen
melebarkan (lebar)
- to explain
- to clarify
- to construe
menyatakan (nyata)
- abolish
- annihilate
- eradicate
menghapuskan (hapus)
- to animate
- to enliven
- to exalt
memeriahkan (meriah)
- to beat, to outplay
- to overwhelm
mengalahkan (kalah)
- to declare
- to proclaim
- to promulgate
mengisytiharkan (isytihar)
- formalize
- inaugurate
- decriminalise
merasmikan (rasmi)
- to show
- to bespeak
- to demonstrate
- to display
menunjukkan (tunjuk)
- to use
- make use of
menggunakan (guna)
- to carry out
- to implement
- to accomplish
- to effect
- to achieve
melaksanakan (laksana)
- to affect
- to entail
- to involve
- to engage
- to entangle, to embroil
melibatkan (libat)
- to produce
- to bear
- to yield
menghasilkan (hasil)
- to constitute
- to represent
- to be
merupakan (rupa)
- to corrupt
- to desecrate; to profane (treat a sacred place or thing with violent disrespect; to spoil something valuable or respected)
mencemarkan (cemar)
- to name
- to call
- to witness
- to watch
menyaksikan (saksi)
- resolve
- settle
- solve
- complete
- finish
menyelesaikan (selesai)
- simplify
- ease
- alleviate
memudahkan (mudah)
memainkan (main)
- bring back
- return
memulangkan (pulang)