Class 3 Verbs (Malay-English) Flashcards
The "ber" prefix verbs, classified into 2 categories: Reflective Verbs (verbs which the subject and object are the same, and where the action ‘reflects back’ on the subject; no other person or party is involved in the act) & Reciprocal Verbs (action performed by two or more people; many show retaliator actions) Some words have the "r" in "ber" dropped, for the sake of euphony
bersenam (senaman)
to do physical exercises
berhias (hias)
to titivate (beautify oneself)
bersikat (sikat)
to comb one’s hair
berhenti (henti)
to stop
belajar (ajar)
to learn
berdiri (diri)
to stand
bekerja (kerja)
to work
berenang (renang)
to swim
berjalan (jalan)
to walk
bertolak (tolak)
to leave
2. to depart
bersedia (sedia)
to get ready
berpuasa (puasa)
to fast
bertukar (tukar)
- to change
- to exchange
- to be transferred
berlari (lari)
to run
belayar (layar)
to sail
2. to navigate
berjabat (jabat) tangan
to shake hands
- bercerai (cerai)
2. berpisah (pisah)
- to break up
- to divorce
- to leave one another
- to separate
- to depart
bercium (cium)
to kiss one another
berpeluk (peluk)
to hug each other
to fight
2. to clash with each other
bekerjasama (kerjasama)
to co-operate
2. to collaborate
bertumbuk (tumbuk)
to fight/punch each other
berjumpa (jumpa)
to meet each other
bermain (main)
to play with others
berjudi (judi)
to gamble
berkawan (kawan)
to make friends with others
berkumpul (kumpul)
to assemble with others
berpecah (pecah)
to break off
2. to be separated from others
bertikam (tikam)
to stab each other
berjanji (janji)
to make a promise with others
berkahwin (kahwin)
to marry one another
berjemur (jemur)
to sunbathe
bergerak (gerak)
to move
berebut-rebut (rebut)
- to rush
- to struggle for something
- to scramble
bergantung (gantung)
to rely
berlalu (lalu)
- elapse
- lapse
- advance
bermakna (makna)
- to entail
- to imply
- to mean
berhijrah (hijrah)
- to emigrate
- to immigrate
- to migrate
berjalan (jalan) kaki
to go on foot
bersalah (salah)
to be in the wrong
bersiar-siar (siar)
to stroll
2. to saunter
berusaha (usaha)
to work hard
2. to endeavor
bersembunyi (sembunyi)
- to hide
- to ambush
- to lurk
bertutur (tutur)
- converse
- speak