Verbs Flashcards
To please/like
He/she/it pleases
• Te gusta (to you it is pleasing)
• Les gusta (to them it is pleasing)
• Me gusta (to me it is pleasing)
Gusto (2)
- I please
• “He likes me” → Le gusto [to him I am pleasing] - Pleasure (noun)
They are pleasing
• Me gustan → To me they are pleasing
I, he, she, or it was pleasing
• Imperfect
We were pleasing
I, he, she, or it would be pleasing
• “I would like to speak with him” → “To me it would be pleasing to speak with him [Me gustaría hablar con el]”
Me gustaría ver la película de la que me has hablado.
-I’d like to see the film you’ve told me about.
Buenas tardes, Srta. María. Me gustaría que me comentara como va mi hijo en clase.
-Good afternoon, Mrs. María. I would like for you to tell me how my son is doing in class.
A mí, me gustaría mucho, pero me da apuro.
-I would like it a lot but I feel embarrased.
Le gustaría instalar una radio en su auto.
-He would like to install a radio in his car.
A ti te gustaría cambiar de coche.
-You would like to change cars.
To feel
¿Cuándo empezó a sentir falta de aire?
-When did you start getting short of breath?
*Sentir is a psychology shop where you go and talk about your feelings until you cry - they won’t let you out until you cry (until they see a tear).
• Sentir is all about feelings.
*All that Joel really feels it when he loses a lot of money (yen), so when Joel says “I feel it”, he says “lo siento.”
• He feels that he has lost a lot of yen.
I feel
• Lo siento (idiom) → I’m sorry
If you want to feel my hands.
• Infinitive
It was always to important to have to feel (to have feelings).
• Infinitive
Importar (2)
To matter, to be important
• No importar → It doesn’t matter
*Importar is a shop of imports run by Tar.
There are lots of resources in Yoel, so they say imports aren’t important.
He/she/it mattered
• 3rd person imperfect
Creer (2)
(cray-air) - To believe/think
- Conjugate “poder” to “creer” to put it in past tense*
- Creer is a crayfish shop run by a catfish.
• When Joel and friends first arrive, he is overwhelmed by the horrible smell from the foul air.
(cray-o) - I believe, I think
• 1st person
(cray-ace) - You believe/think
• 2nd person
(cray-ay) - He, she, or it believes/thinks
• 3rd person
They believe/think
We believe/think
Esperar (2)
To wait for, to hope for
This verb DOES NOT USE INDIRECT OBJECTS → You don’t wait ‘for’ someone, you ‘await’ someone.
• I hope for it/him = Lo espero (not “le espero”)
*Esperar is a spy shop run by a lizard who can talk.
• The detective hopes that someday he’ll get a case, but he never will so he is always waiting.
I hope
He/she/it hopes
You wait, you hope
Mirar (2)
To look at, to watch
*Mirar is a shop where Joel’s friend the lizard likes to go and watch himself in the mirror.
I look/watch
I, he, she, or it looked/watched
• Imperfect
I, he, she, or it look/watch
• 1st and 3rd person subjunctive
Haga que se mire bonito.
-Make him look good.
I looked/watched
• 1st person preterite
He/she/it watches or looks
Parecer (2)
(pah-RACE-ser) - To seem/appear
• Al parecer (idiom) → As it seems
*Parecer is a golf shop run by Ser where she tries to appear to be good at golf.
I appear/seem
He, she, or it appears/seems
• Parece que → It seems that… (something is the case)
Dejar (3)
To leave (something)/abandon, to stop (to leave off); to allow/let
• Can also mean “leaving a city behind”
• “I can’t leave you alone”
• “You have to stop (leave off) saying those things”
*Dejar is a pawn shop where you have a hard day [dejar] leaving things behind.
Dejo (2)
I leave, I let/allow
He/she/it leaves, lets/allows
You leave, let/allow
We leave, let/allow
They leave, let/allow