Ventilation & Compliance Flashcards
Pulmonary (minute) Ventilation (L/min)
total air movement in/out of lungs
Alveolar Ventilation(L/min)
Fresh air getting alveoli and therefore available for gas exchange
Air from deadspace
Total Pulmonary Ventilation =
Tidal Volume x Respiratory Rate
Tidal Volume
A measure of the amount of air a person inhales during a normal breath
Alveolar Ventilation=
Air to alveoli X Respiratory Rate
Air to Alveoli =
Tidal - dead space (150)
Partial pressure
pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases is equivalent to the percentage of that particular gas in the entire mixture multiplied by the pressure of the whol gaseous mixture
If the atmospheric pressure is 760mmHg (101kPa) and 21% of air we breath is O2 what is the partial pressure of the oxygen we breath
760 X 0.21 = 160mmHg (21kPa)
Increased alveolar ventilation
Hyperventilation, PO2 rises and Pco2 falls
Decreased alveolar ventilation
Hypoventilation, PO2 falls and PCO2 rises
Law of Laplace
Inward directed pressure. The pressure required to keep the alveoli open
P= 2T/r
P= 2T/r
T= surface tension r= radius
When does surfactant start to be produced
25 weeks gestation and completes by 36 week
Why do babies no need a high change in pressure to inflate lungs
Lungs are filled with fluid and do not need to overcome surface tension (no air-water interface)