Venous drainage of the lower limbs Flashcards
Describe the veins of the lower limb
Divided into two groups:
Deep- located underneath the deep fascia they accompany the major arteries
Superficial- found in the subcutaneous tissue, eventually drain into deep veins
Describe the deep veins of the foot and leg
Dorsal venous arch and anterior tibial vein are the main ones in the foot
The medial and lateral plabtar veins arise on the plantar aspect of the foot. They combine to form the posterior tibial and fibular veins.These veins unite to form the politeal vein on the posterior surface of the knee
Describe the venous drainage of the thigh
Once the popliteal vein runs under the aductor hhiatus it becomes the femoral vein. The deep vein of the thigh is the other main venous structure.
Describe the venous drainage of the gluteal region
drained by superior and inferior gluteal veins, empty into the internal iliac veins
What are the superifical veins of the leg?
Great saphenous vein
Small saphenous vein
Describe the course of the great saphenous vein
Formed by dorsal venous arch of foot and ascends medial side of the leg. Terminates by draining into the femoral vein immediately inferior to the inguinal ligament
What is the small saphenous vein?
Formed by the dorsal venosu arch of the foot, moves up posterior leg and along the border of the calcaneal tendo. Moves between the two heads of the gastrocnemius and empties into the popliteal vein