Muscles of the lateral leg Flashcards
Describe the muscles of the lateral leg
Name these muscles
Common function is to evert the foot. Mainly to stabilise it during running and stop over inversion. Both are innervated by the superifical fibualr nerve
Fibularis longus
Fibularis brevis
What is fibualris longus
What innervates it?
Larger and more superficial muscle of the compartment
Superficial fibular nerve
What are the attachments of fibularis longus
What are its actions
Originates from the superior adn lateral surface of the fibula and the lateral tibial condyle
Converges into a tendon which descends into the foot, posterior to the lateral malleolus. Attaches to the medial cuneiform and the base of metatarsal I
Eversion and plantar flexion of the foot. Also supports lateral and transverse arches of the foot.
What is fibularis brevis
What innervates it?
Deeper and longer than the fibularis longus
Superficial fibular nerve
What are the attchments of fibularis brevis
What are its actions?
Originates from the inferolateral surface of the fibualr shaft. The muscle belly froms a tendon which descends with the fibualris longus in the foot.
Attches to a tubercle on metatarsal V
Eversion of the foot
What is fibularis tertius
What innervates it?
Arises from inferior EDL
Attaches to metatarsal V
Deep fibular nerve
What are the actions of fibularis tertius?
Eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot