Muscles of the anterior leg compartment Flashcards
Describe the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg
Name these muscles?
Dorsiflex and invert the foot at ankle joint. All innervated by L4-S1 (fibular nerve) and blood is supllied by the anterior tibial artery.
Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallicus longus
What is tibialis anterior
What innervates it
Muscle on the lateral side of the tibia. Strongest dorsiflexor of the foot
Deep fibular nerve
What are tibialis anteriors attachments
What are its actions?
Originates from the lateral surface of the tibia and inserts to the medial cunfiform at the base of metatarsal I
Dorsiflex and invert the foot
What is extensor digiorum longus?
What innervates it?
Lies lateral and deep to tibialis anetrior, its tendons can be palpated on the the dorsal aspect of the foot
Deep fibular nerve
What are the attachments of extensor digitorum longus?
What are its actions
originates from the lateral condyle of the tubia and medial surface of the fibula. Attches via a tendon that travels to the dorsa; surface of the foot and then splits into four, each inserting into a toe (minus big toe)
Extersion of four lateral toes
What is extensor hallicus longus?
What innervates it
Located deep to EDL and TA
Deep fibular nerve
What are the attchement points of extensor hallicus longus
What are its actions?
Originates from the medial surface of the fibular shaft. Tednon crosses anterior to the ankle joint and attches to the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe
Allows for extension of the big toe and dorsiflexion of the foot.