vasculature of the external carotid artery Flashcards
what are the branches of the superior thyroid branch off the external carotid?
infrahyoid superior laryngeal SCM ant. glandular branches cricothyroid
what are the branches that come off the ascending pharyngeal branch of the external carotid
superior, middle, inferior pharyngeals
inferior tympanic
posterior meningeal
what are the branches off the lingual artery branch of the external carotid
dorsal lingual
deep lingual
what are the branches off the facial artery of the external carotid artery
ascending palatine tonsilar submental inferior labial superior labial angular lateral nasal
what are the branches off the occipital artery of the external carotid artery
Some Men Are Dirt Poor "pneumonic" SCM meningeal auricular descending posterior occipital branches
what are the branches off the posterior auricular artery of the external carotid?
if it has no branches what does it feed?
No branches, but feeds: parotid gland tympanic cavity post. digastric stylohyoid post. auricle
what are the branches off the superficial temporal artery of the external carotid
transverse facial posterior auricular zygomatic mid. temporal frontal bone parietal bone
what are the branches of the mandibular portion of the maxillary artery?
TMJ deep auricular anterior tympanic middle meningeal accessory meningeal inferior alveolar mylohyoid mental incisive
what are the branches of the pterygoid portion of the maxillary artery?
masseteric deep temporal lateral pterygoid medial pterygoid buccal
what are the branches of pterygopalatine portion of the maxillary artery?
- descending palatine->greater palatine, lesser palatine
- posterior superior alveolar
- infraorbital->middle superior alveolar, anterior superior alveolar
- pharyngeal artery
- artery of pterygoid canal
- sphenopalatine
- posterior nasal
- posterior septal
what regions does the ophthalmic artery feed?
all parts of the orbit -retina -extraocular muscles -lacrimal gland ethmoid bone superficial -dorsal nasal -frontal (supratrochlear) -supraorbital
where does the ophthalmic artery come from and how does it enter the orbit?
branch off the internal carotid
enters via the optic canal
where does the superior thyroid artery start (what triangle) and what does it supply?
starts in carotid triangle feeds: ant. strap muslces larynx cricothyroid-larynx hyoid-strap muscles adjacent to hyoid bone SCM
the ascending pharyngeal artery ascends deep to what muscle and anterior to what land mark?
deep to the sylopharyngeus and anterior to the ear
what things does the ascending pharyngeal artery supply?
pharyngeal constrictors stylopharyngeus soft palate auditory tube palatine tonsils all soft palate muscles other than levator veli palatini meninges middle ear
what artery feeds the levator veli palatini?
middle meningeal from the maxillary artery
the lingual artery runs deep to what extrinsic tongue muscle and what does it supply?
deep to hyoglossus
feeds: tongue, palatine tonsil, glands(sublingual)
- dorsal branch: posterior tongue, tonsils
- deep branch: anterior tongue
- sublingual branch: sublingual glands
what branches can anastomos?
dorsal branch will contralateral artery
deep and sublingual branches cannot due to lingual septum(deep can possibly, but rare)
what does the facial artery run deep to?
digastric sling and the submandibular gland
what does the facial artery run over to enter the superficial face?
the body of the mandible
what anastamoses with the facial artery?
the ophthalmic artery via the angular branch
what does the facial artery supply?
- facial regions, skin, muscles of facial expression
- tonsilar branch: palatine tonsils
- labial branches: external surface of lips
- lateral nasal branch: dorsal and lateral surface of nose
- angular branch: dorsal nasal branch to superior ophthalmic: feeds external medial orbit.
the superficial temporal artery ascends with in what gland and anterior to what land mark:
within the parotid gland and anterior to the ear
what does the superficial artery feed?
lateral and dorsal scalp, superior facial muscles
what does the transverse branch feed?
parotid gland, facial muscles, masseter, and temporalis
what does the zygomatic branch feed?
skin, muscles towards orbit
what does the frontal branch feed?
skin, muscles over frontal bone, can anastomos with supraorbital arteries
what does the parietal branch feed?
skin, superior auricular muscle.
what does the occipital artery run deep to?
posterior belly of digastric muscle
what does the occipital artery feed?
posterior scalp, muscles along it’s course
posterior dura and crainial bones via meningeal branch
suboccipital and deep back muscles of neck via descending branch
what can the descending branch anastomos with?
the transverse cervical branch of the thyrocervical trunk and the vertebral arteries.
the posterior auricular artery runs in between what to structures and ascends superior to what muscle
between the external acoustic meatus and the mastoid process
ascends superior to the posterior digastric
no major branches
what branches of the maxillary artery run inferiorly in the mandibular portion?
inferior alveolar
what branches of the maxillary artery run superiorly in the mandibular portion?
deep auricular
anterior tympanic
middle meningeal
accessory meningeal
what branches of the pterygoid portion of the maxillary artery will run inferiorly?
what branches of the pterygoid portion of the maxillary artery will run superiorly?
deep temporal branches
what are the arteries in the kiesselbach’s area?
ethmoidal (ophthalmic)
Septal (maxillary)
Gr. palatine (maxillary)
Superior labial (facial)