Vascular system Flashcards
Where do the carotid arteries go from and to?
The heart to the head
2 types of iliac arteries
Which 2 veins turn into the superior vena cava?
Right and left brachiocephallic veins
Which brachiocephallic trunks is longer?
The left
Where are the brachiocephallic trunks located?
Behind the sternum
Are the origins of the left and right brachiocephallic trunk the same?
Yes, subclavian vein and internal jugular vein
2 natures of structures in the lung
What is the target for both the vascular and bronchial structures in the lungs?
The alveolar
What do the vessels in the lung branch with?
The bronchia
Where does the pulmonary artery originate?
The right part of the heart
Where does the pulmonary vein originate?
The lungs
Where does the pulmonary vein carry oxygenated blood to?
The left part of the heart
Where does the subclavian arteries go?
The upper limbs
Where does the carotid arteries go?
The head
Where does the left subclavian artery and left carotid artery originate ?
Arch of the aorta
Where does the right subclavian artery and right carotid artery originate?
Brachiocephalic trunk
Why does the the right subclavian artery and right carotid artery originate from the brachiocephalic trunk?
What is posterior (behind) and in part below the arch of the aorta? (level of T4)
Bifurcation of pulmonary artery
Trachea bifurcates into 2 bronchi
Bifurcation lymph nodes
Where does the arch of the aorta pass above?
The left bronchi
Where does the arteries that vascularise the bronchia and the oesophageal originate?
Descending aorta
Where does the intercostal veins end?
Azygos vein system
How many veins in the azygos vein system?
Accessory hemiacygos vein
Azygos vein
Hemiazygos vein
Where in the thorax is the azygos vein system located?
Very deep
From where does the hemizygos vein collect venous blood?
Inferior left
From where does the azygos vein collect venous blood?
From where does the accessory hemizygos vein collect venous blood?
Superior left
Where does the veins from the left part of the azygos system collect?
In the azygos vein
Where does the azygos vein end?
The superior venacava
Which is the deepest vein in the mediastinum?
Azygos vein
How many systems supply the brain?
What vascularises the posterior part of the brain?
The vetebral arteries
Where doe the vertebral arteries branch from?
Subclavian artery
What vascularises the middle and anterior part of the brain?
Carotid arteries
What collects the venous blood in the brain?
The venous sinuses which are collected by the internal jugular vein
What collects all the venous blood in the brain circulation (from the sinuses)?
The internal jugular vein
Where does the jugular vein ends?
Jugular subclavian complex
What happens to the carotid artery at the level of the mandible?
It birforcates into the internal and external carotid arteries
Where does the internal carotid artery go?
Through the carotid canal into the brain
Where does the external carotid artery go?
The face
What vascularises the orbit and the muscles in that area?
The ophthalmic artery
What is anastomosis?
When 2 veins or 2 arteries are feud together
What is an anastomotic circle?
Series of vascular connections that make a circulation