Vanessa Sousa Ch1-3 Flashcards
- How long are Driver’s licenses valid for?
Four Years
- For 6 points of verification what are two primary and secondary sources?
a. Primary: Current NJ digital driver’s license or non-driver ID card and passport (others: civil birth certificate, certification of citizenship or adoption papers
b. Secondary: US school photo ID card and Social Security
i. 3 point Docs. – ones above relate to people our age
ii. 1 point Docs. - social security, Bank statement, high school/ college diploma
- When is driving restricted for permit or probationary license?
Between 11:01pm and 5:00am
- What must you have on license plate to show you are a permit or probationary driver? Where are the located on plate?
a. Red decals
b. One displayed on the top left corner of rear plate and the other on the top left corner of the front plate.
- Before completing the Knowledge Test, what requirement or tests need to be taken successfully?
a. 6 Point ID Verification
b. Vision Test
- When you get into a car for the first time that day, what do you need to do or check?
a. Adjust seat
b. Check mirrors
c. Make sure you and anyone else in vehicle has their seatbelt on
d. Check to make sure decals are placed on correctly
e. Make sure no one or nothing is around the car
f. If car is manual: make sure car is in neutral on reverse and if automatic: on park
- How do we need to hold steering wheel?
a. At 9 and 3 o’ clock
- What effects a stopping time for the car since you don’t want to hit on the brakes?
a. Certain weather conditions (snow, rain, fog, etc.)
b. Personal reaction time
- What is a driver responsible for when other minors are in car?
All passengers under the age of eighteen have a seatbelt on.
- Are airbags helpful or harmful in a car accident?
a. They can be both helpful and harmful.
i. Helpful: If you have your seatbelt on, the airbag will stop you from moving around too much.
ii. Harmful: If you don’t have your seatbelt on, the airbag will push you around the car while the accident is also throwing you around the vehicle.
- What are the driving signals using your arm?
a. Left arm down= the vehicle is stopping
b. Left arm up= the vehicle is turning right
c. Left arm straight-out= the vehicle is turning left
- What are the three types of parking?
a. Angle parking
b. Parallel parking
c. Downhill/Uphill parking
- What direction should your steering wheel be facing when parking downhill? And uphill?
a. Downhill: turn the wheel toward the curb
b. Uphill: turn the wheel away from the curb
when driving in reverse, what is the proper positioning of hands and body?
a. Look over right shoulder
b. Right hand toward the back seat
c. Left hand on the wheel at 12 o’clock
- As you reverse, which way does the steering wheel rotate to turn back of car left and right?
a. To turn back of car to the left= turn wheel to the left
b. To turn back of car to the right= turn wheel to the right
- What is the difference in speed limits for suburban business and residential districts and just business and residential?
a. suburban business or residence: 35 mph
b. business or residence: 25 mph
- The higher your speed, what factor increases?
As your speed increases, the higher the factor of fatality.
- What is the passing regulation when both center lines are solid?
No passing allowed
- What is the passing regulation when one center line is broken?
Passing allowed only if the broken line is on the side you are driving on.
- The shoulder is not used for?
- A motorist should pass the following with caution or not at all?
a. a hill or curve that the driver can not see far enough ahead of.
b. intersection
c. railroad crossing
d. narrow bridges, underpasses or tunnels
e. prohibition sign
f. when pedestrian are crossing
- What should motorists always be prepared to do?
To trains, buses, emergency vehicles postal vehicles, vehicles already in intersection
- What are the four types of intersections?
Controlled, uncontrolled, blind, traffic circles
- What is a controlled intersection?
An intersection where there is a regulatory device such as a traffic light or sign.
- What is an uncontrolled intersection?
An intersection where two or more roads join with no regulatory device,
- At an uncontrolled intersection, what vehicle should yield to who?
vehicle on left should yield to vehicles on the right.
- What is a blind intersection?
When surrounding things such as buildings, trees, larger vehicles are blocking motorist’s line of sight.
- Are their set rules in New Jersey about driving through traffic circle?
No, common sense and caution must prevail at all times.
- What do you do when entering into highways, parkways and turnpikes?
use left turn signal and accelerate to continue with flow of traffic.
- What do you do when leaving a highway, parkway or turnpike?
use right turn signal and decelerate to agree with speed limit of exit lane.
- What is special about an expressway?
Both an entrance and exit for an expressway.
- When seeing a disabled vehicle ahead, what should motorists do?
a. reduce speed
b. increase space between you and disabled vehicle
- When on a curve, what will the car continue to do?
the car will continue going straight so you need to adjust steering wheel to the left or right.
- Unless there is a no turn on red sign, what can motorist do when needed to turn right?
Make a full stop and check traffic and then can turn right on red light.
- When two vehicles meet at an intersection and both what to turn left, what should they do?
with caution, motorist should turn to the left of the center of the intersection
- When turning right, what should motorist not do?
Motorist should not swing outward into another lane
- When turning left, what should motorist not do?
Motorist should not cut corners.
On roadway, how far from a school bus should you stop if their red lights go if you are in front or behind it?
25 feet
On a highway and you are on the opposite side of the stopped school bus, what must you do?
slow down and drive slowly until you pass
How does aggressive driving relate and different to road rage?
If you are driving aggressively it can lead to road rage for yourself or others.
Road rage- mean gestures, hocking, yelling at other cars
aggressive driving- speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out
What are the best ways to communicate with other drivers?
Using hand signals if blinkers don’t work
Use the horn to warn other drivers
Catching other motorist’s eyes
One car length of distance per ______ mph
10 mph
When should a motorist increase following distance in order to prevent tailgating or collision?
When larger vehicles such as trucks are in front of motorist
What are the two times when it is safe and legal to pass another car?
- When passing is completed without speeding
2. When payment and signs allow passing
What situation can hydroplaning can occur and before driving in cold weather, you should…?
- when it is raining, snowing or when ice is present on road
- Remove ice or snow from car and warm up car
If a vehicle begins to skid, it may have been caused by…
- Vehicle accelerates to quickly
- Vehicle turns to fast
- Vehicle brakes improperly
Snow tires are used during what time period?
November 15- April 1
What should be the following distance when driving on a snow covered road?
6 seconds or more
When driving at night, be sure you can stop within ____ at ________.
- 88ft
2. 60 mph
In the state of New Jersey, when do fines double?
When there is a violation committed in the middle of the road way.
what should you do if your car begins to skid?
- Turn in direction of rear of vehicle without over steering
- take foot off the gas
Does alcohol effect people differently?
Yes, it does how much is consumed body weight how quickly someone consume the drinks if foods were consumed
What does BAC stand for?
Blood alcohol concentration
What is the BAC level that would make driving illegal for people over 21? under 21?
Over the age of 21: BAC level of .08 percent or higher
Under the age under 21: BAC level of .01 percent or higher
How much alcohol is in every drink of alcohol and what is the similarity between a shot or hard liquor, a bottle of beer and a glass of wine?
- 1/2 ounces
2. all three alcoholic beverages are equal to one drink
What is the different between DUI and DUW?
DUI= driving under the influence of substances DUW= driving while intoxicated from alcohol
What should we watch out for when an intoxicated driver is on the road?
Weaving in and out of lanes
Driving slower that normal traffic flow
Not keeping a steady speed on a clear road (jerking)
Stopping suddenly at traffic lights or signs
What should you do when you see an intoxicated driver on the road?
Pull over and called 911
What happens when more alcohol is consumed?
driver becomes more blurred, have a slower reaction time, and flowing distance is altered.
How is blood alcohol concentration checked? Is this the only method?
- Breath test
2. It is the only scientific way to check.
More alcohol in your system, the more likely you will ___________________________
get into a car collision
BAC of .05= risk of getting into a collision doubles
BAC of .10 = risk of getting into a collision is 6x greater
BAC of .15 = risk of getting into a collision is 25x higher
How much more do trucks need to stop n poor driving conditions(rain,snow or ice)? (in percent)
In New Jersey, if a motorist moves into the state the law required them to be titled and registered within what time frame?
60 days
How long is a brand new car’s initial registration valid for? How long is any other registration valued for?
a. 4 years
b. 1 year
In New Jersey, what is the law when it comes to licenses plates?
two matching plates will be given to you upon registering and one should be attached on the front and the other on the rear of car.
What is the first thing you should do if a plate is stolen or lost?
report this to the police and then replace plate at any MVC agency within 24 hours
What can false licenses result in?
$500 fine, up to 60 days in prison or a 6 month license suspension
How often do you need your car inspected?
every 2 years
When moving from out of state into New Jersey, how long does a motorist have to inspect vehicle after registration?
14 days after registering
What is the positioning of the lights on a traffic light?
Red on top, yellow in middle, green on bottom
red on left, yellow in middle, green on right
What are the three distinct types of traffic signs?
What color is usually on warning traffic signs?
Yellow with black writing
What color are construction signs?
Orange with black writing
What color are guidance signs?
Blue with white writing
What color are regulatory signs?
Red or black
What should both licenses plates be
clear and VISIBLE from 50 feet at night