Chapter 1-9 & Appendix Maggie Flashcards
What are the proper MANUAL signals?
Stop or slowing down: hand and arm downward; palm facing rear
Right Turn: hand and arm upward
Left Turn: Hand and arm straight out
What are the special learner permit and examination permit restrictions?
- Drive between 11.01 and 5 AM
- NO electronic of ANY KIND
- Must be accompanied by an adult OLDER than 21 w/ AT LEAST 3 yrs driving experience
- Allowed one other passenger
What numbers on the clock should your hands be at while holding the steering wheel?
9 and 3
How far away should you turn your blinker on for a turn?
At least 100 ft
What is a good way to properly break?
Keep heel on of gas and switch to brake, gently easing on to pedal
What is the proper method for driving backwards?
- Turn body to the right
- left hand on 12 on steering wheel
- right hand on top of your seat
- look behind you NOT at trunk camera (if it has one)
How do you properly do a “K” Turn?
- turn steering wheel to left (car will go left)
- back up by turning car to the right (steering wheel to the right)
- move forward while turning steering wheel to the left to straighten out and continue driving
How do you park while facing downhill?
vehicle’s wheels should be turned toward the curb
How do you park facing uphill?
vehicle’s wheels should be turned away from the curb
How do you parallel park?
- signal to others that you will park
- pull up alongside car in the front
- Begin to back up while turning wheel to the right
- Turn the wheel to the left to finish backing up and to straighten out
- Drive to center of parking space to finish parking
* Tires MUST be no more than 6” away from curb*
What is the difference between the restrictions of a Special Learner’s Permit and a Probationary Driver’s License?
A Special Learner’s Permit MUST have an adult with them when driving while a Probationary Driver’s License does NOT
What does a GDL driver under the age of 18 have to put on their license plate and do they really need it?
- Two visible, red reflective decals, distributed through the MVC, on any vehicle that they operate. One decal is to be displayed on the top left corner of
the rear license plate and the other on the top left corner of the front license plate. - YES YOU DO
How many points of verification do you need?
at least 6
When does your license expire?
Every 4 years
What is the speed limit in school zones, businesses, and residential districts?
25 mph
What is the speed limit in SUBURBAN businesses and residential districts?
35 mph
What is the speed limit on non-posted rural roadways?
50 mph
What is the speed limit on state highways and interstate as posted?
55 mph
What is the speed limit on certain interstate highways as posted?
65 mph
When is it legal to pass a car on a 2 way road?
Either when both lines are broken or the line on your side is broken
How do you yield to an emergency vehicle?
Yield to the left, slow down, and be ready to stop if you already haven’t
What does the single solid white line across a road at an intersection mean?
The motorist must stop behind the line for a traffic signal or sign
What are the 3 types of intersections?
- Controlled
- Uncontrolled
- Blind
What is a controlled intersection?
It is an intersection that is regulated by traffic signals, signs in any direction, or a police officer
Who must a motorist yield to at a multi-way stop or stop intersection?
Any motorists on the right who arrive at the same time
What is an uncontrolled intersection?
It is an intersection where two or more roads join and there is no traffic signal or religatory device
What is a blind intersection?
It can occur when a building, parked car etc. obstructs the motorist’s line of sight
How far away must you stop in front or behind a school bus when it picks up or drops off?
25 ft
What should you do if the school bus picks up or drops off in front of the school?
You may pass the bus but under 10 mph
How should you proceed when confronted with an ice cream truck?
Yield to anyone
Wait for any children or pedestrians
Continue driving pas the truck no faster than 15 mph
How far away should you stay behind a signaling emergency vehicle?
at least 300 ft
How far away should you park from a department vehicle in service?
at least 200 ft
What is the standard accident prevention formula?
Be alert, prepared, and act in time
What is road rage?
Being physically upset or angry and letting it influence your driving
What are some causes of distracted driving?
1) removing a coat
2) eating
3) using a cell phone
4) shaving
5) applying makeup
One car length of distance is how many mph?
10 mph
When are roadways the most slippery?
During the first few minutes of rainfall
When can studded snow tires be used?
Between November 15th and April 1st
What should you do if your car begins to skid?
- Don’t over-steer
- take foot off gas
- avoid braking
- Turn steering wheel in direction car is skidding and straighten out
In a city how far ahead should you look?
12 seconds
What should a motorist consider when driving at night?
1) Speed
2) reaction distance
3) braking distance
4) stopping distance
What’s Maggie’s Law?
Law that states it is illegal to drive while knowing you’re sleep deprived
What is BAC?
Blood alcohol concentration
What are four factors that can influence a person’s BAC?
1) How much
2) How quickly
3) height/weight
4) What you recently ate
(5 = gender)
What are the “One Drink Equals…”?
1.5 oz of 86 proof liquor (hard liquor) = 12 oz bottle/can of beer = 5 oz glass of wine (12% alcohol)
What is a Designated Driver?
Someone who abstains from alcohol during an event so that they can safely drive friends/family who have been drinking without the concern of being in an accident
What may a driver receive if they are found driving under the influence of with a BAC of .01 % or higher, and are under 21?
a DUI (Driving Under the Influence)/ DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)
How greater of a risk is it when your BAC is .15%?
25x higher
What are some telltale signs of drinking?
- Speeding
- Weaving
- Slow driving
- Jerking motion
- Quick stops
What are some effects of marijuana?
- Loss of tracking ability
- Distance judgment
- Vigilance
- Divided attention
How long does it take for alcohol to affect your brain on an empty stomach?
One minute
Where does alcohol go after it is consumed?
20% into your bloodstream
80% into your small intestines
Is driving a right?
NO! Driving is a PRIVILEGE not a right!
What are 3 penalties for a First Offense w/ a BAC of .08% or more but less than .10%?
3 month suspension
250-400$ fine
Up to 30 days imprisonment
What are 3 penalties for a First Offense w/ a BAC of .10% or more?
7 month to 1 year suspension
300-500$ fine
Up to 30 days imprisonment
What are the penalties for an Underage First Offense w/ a BAC of .01% or more but less than .08%?
30-90 day suspension
15-30 days community service
Participation in Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)
How many points can you accumulate before you receive a proposed license suspension?
12 points or more
What is implied consent law and what is the penalty for refusing to follow this law?
It means that motorists on New Jersey roadways have agreed, simply by using New Jersey roadways, to submit to a breath test given by law enforcement or hospital staff following an arrest for a drinking-driving offense.
The penalty for refusing is a surcharge of 1000$ per year for 3 years
What should you be aware of when driving?
People, vehicles, and animals
What is a no-zone?
A region on the road where drivers cannot see other motorist’s vehicles in rearview or side mirrors
What 3 things must you have before driving on public roads?
Title, register, and insure you vehicle
What should you do if your license plate is lost or stolen?
Tell the police!
Replace plates within 24 hours at MVC
When should your vehicle be inspected?
Every 2 years
What auto insurance is required for every driver in NJ?
Liability insurance
If you moved to NJ, you must have your car inspected within
14 days
What are the 3 types of road signs?
Warning - hazards
Guidance - guide to destination
Regulatory - regulate traffic
What position are traffic lights in when vertical?
What position are they when horizontal?
Vertical - Top: Red, Middle: Yellow, Bottom: Green
Horizontal - Left: Red, Middle: Yellow, Right: Green