Shreya K. Chapters 1 - 4 Flashcards
What are the requirements for 6 point ID verification?
At least one primary document At least one secondary document Total documents worth 6 points at least Proof of address Social security number
Why are road test vehicles rejected?
- Improper, expired or no inspection sticker.
- Lack of examiner access to foot brake or parking brake.
- Any defect or condition that affects the safe operation of the test vehicle.
What are the basics of the seat-belt law?
Under state law, the driver and all passengers of a passenger vehicle (e.g. car, van, pickup truck and SUV) must wear a seatbelt. The failure of a driver, front-seat passenger and children under age 18 to wear a seatbelt is a primary offense. The driver is responsible for all passengers under age 18. Front-seat passengers 18 years of age and over are responsible for themselves.
Why is the seat-belt law important?
If you do not wear a seat-belt, you have a 75% chance of dying in an accident. You can also harm other passengers in the car.
What are the car safety laws for children based on?
Their height and weight.
What is your grip on the steering wheel?
9 and 3. Hand over hand steering for reverse and turns.
What are the hand signals for driving?
Arm out, forearm down, palm back - stop.
Arm out, forearm up, palm front - right turn.
Hand straight out - left turn.
How does turning the steering wheel affect reversing?
If you turn it to the right, the car will move back to the left. If you turn it to the left, the car will move back to the right.
Where are your blind spots?
Between your front view and your side mirror view.
When you park uphill or downhill, which way should you leave the wheels?
Uphill – right
Downhill – left
Speed Limits
25 mph School zones, business and residential districts 35 mph Suburban business and residential districts 50 mph Non-posted rural roadways 55 mph Certain state highways and interstates 65 mph Certain interstate highways
When can you pass?
When both or one of the middle lines are broken
Who must you yield to?
Emergency vehicles
People with mobility assistance devices
What is an intersection?
A place where two roads cross
At an uncontrolled intersection, which way must you yield?
How do you enter and exit highways?
Acceleration lane
Deceleration lane
What do you do if you see a disabled vehicle?
Slow down and stay away
When can you turn right on red?
Once you come to a complete stop
When you turn right …
Stay near the curb
When you turn left …
Don’t cut corners
When must you stop?
Red light/stop light intersection For school buses Railroad crossing For blind pedestrians When a traffic officer says so
What must you do when you see an emergency vehicle?
Pull over right, stop, and wait for them to go ahead
How far behind an emergency vehicle must you stay?
300 feet
How far away from a fire hydrant must you park?
10 feet
A stop sign?
50 feet
A crosswalk?
20 feet
When can you turn on high beam?
On a rural road with no motorist in sight
When do you need headlights?
1/2 hr before sunset
1/2 hr after sunrise