Meghan Decker Flashcards
You can go __ mph in school zones, business or residential districts
most passing should occur on the ____ side
you can only pass when there is a ______ line on your side
a motorist should always be prepared to _____
an intersection is
where two or more roads cross/merge at angles
_________ is regulated by traffic signals, signs in any directions or controlled by a police officer
controlled intersection
________ always have the right of way
a _________ is when two or more roads join and there is no traffic signal or reglitory device
uncontrolled intersection
when approaching a _______ intersection a motorist must reduce speed and be prepared to stop
a _____________ can occur when a building, parked car, bushes etc. obstructs a motorists line of sight
blind intersection
_______ are high speed divided roads, typically with multiple lanes
_________+ are extra lanes at a highway entrance motorist use to speed up and join the flow o traffic
acceleration lanes
most deceleration ramps are located on the _______ side of the highway
right hand
_______ are both an entrance and exit lane for a highway
weave lanes
motorists are allowed to make a ________ hand turn on red after coming to a complete stop
4 factors that affect someones BAC are
quantity of alcohol consumed, a persons body weight, how quickly someone consumed the drinks, and food consumed
drivers over the age of 21’s BAC cannot be higher tha
under the age of 21 any BAC over ____ is illegal
some signs a motorist is driving while impaired include
speeding, weaving, driving slower or faster than speed limit, unsteady car movement, quick and sudden stops
not only too much alcohol is illegal when driving but so are ________
illegal drugs
_______ is the drug most often found with drivers involved in collisions
when you drink alcohol on an empty stomach it starts to effect you in ________
1 minute
when your BAC is 0.05 you _______ more likely to crash
alcohol is not digested but is ________ into your _______
absorbed; bloodstream
one car length distance per _____ mph
when are road ways most slippery
first few minutes of rainfall
what is the main purpose of the ignition system
to start the car
before driving in cold weather you should
start engine and let it warm up
when you are driving too close to the back of another car it is called
on snow covered roads you should maintain a following distance of
6 seconds or more
a motorist should turn on their _________ during rain, snow, or ice storms
windsheild wipers
when should you use your high beams
at night when no other cars are around and there is limited road lighting
studded tires can be used between
nov 15 - april 1
to avoid a collistion you should…..
stop quickly, turn quickly, or speed up
make sure your car completely _______ when in accident