Kendall!!!!!!! Flashcards
What does your driver’s license look like when you receive it at the age of 17? 21?
17: vertical license
21: horizontal license
How many hours of driving MUST you complete with an instructor before you get your license?
6 hours
When you receive your permit, at what hours are you NOT allowed to drive?
11:01 p.m. to 5:00 am
Who must a permit holder be supervised by when driving?
An adult in the front seat who is at least 21, possesses a valid New Jersey driver’s license, and has minimum of three years of driving experience
Where are the red decals placed on your car?
On the upper left corner of the front and back license plates
The permit holder must make sure everyone in the car is wearing a? The permit holder is responsible for everyone under the age of?
Seatbelt. 18.
What are standard equipment in almost all new vehicles and are designed to supplement seatbelts in frontal crashes?
Air bags
At what position should permit holders hold their hands on the steering wheel?
9 and 3
On a turnpike, highway, or parkway, what is the left lane for?
Name two types of parking.
Angle Parking and Parallel Parking
A contributing factor of fatal and other collisions is…
Exceeding the posted speed limit
Name three places where you should ALWAYS slow down.
At intersections, when pedestrians are present, and on hills
Most passing should occur on the…
Passing on the right should only occur when…
There is more then one lane going in the same direction
Name three vehicles a driver ALWAYS must yield to.
Emergency vehicles (with sirens and lights), trains and buses
What is an intersection?
Where two or more roads cross/merge at angles
What must a motorist do when they see a single solid white line across a road?
The motorist much stop behind the line
What should a motorist do to enter a highway?
Speed up to the flow of traffic
What is an uncontrolled intersection?
An intersection is uncontrolled when two or more roads join and there is no traffic signal or regulatory device
What is a controlled intersection?
An intersection regulated by traffic signals, signs in any directions, or controlled by a police officer
What is a blind intersection?
An intersection where a building, bushes, parked car, etc. blocks the motorist’s line of sight
Where are exit ramps or deceleration ramps located on the highway (in most cases)?
On the right hand side of the highway
Name 6 special highway conditions.
Weave lanes, disabled vehicles, construction areas, toll booths, curves, and interchanges
Name 3 stopping regulations.
With a stop sign, at a red light, and for a school bus picking up/dropping off children
When turning, what are 3 things a motorist must do?
Slow down, watch for traffic, and stay in the center of the lane
What is the standard accident prevention formula?
Be alert, be prepared, act in time
How can road rage or aggressive driving be prevented?
Pull to the side of the road and CALM DOWN
Why is distracted driving so dangerous?
No eyes on the road –> injury and death
How can you avoid highway hypnosis?
Get sleep and take turns driving
Tailgating can cause…
One car length of distance per ? mph
When are roadways most slippery?
When they are wet!!!
Before driving in cold weather, you should
Warm up your car
Studded snow tires can be used between
November 15th to April 1st
A motorist should turn these on during rain, snow, or ice storms
Defroster and headlights
In a city, how far ahead should you look?
12 seconds –> a block ahead
What’s the main purpose of an ignition system?
Allows you to start your car
If a motorist is involved in an accident, they should
Stop vehicle, remain calm, get help, wait at the scene, call police and warn traffic
What is the ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor?
True or false: The facts of alcohol CAN be predicted.
Drinking can cause what kind of affects on users?
Physical and mental
Name three signs of a motorist driving while impaired.
Speeding, driving slower, and unsteady car movement
Is it illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence of any illegal drug?
What drug is most often found with drivers in collisions?
Name one way marijuana can affect the motorist.
Inability to judge distance
What does OTC stand for?
Over the counter
What is the most commonly used and abused drug in today’s society?
What is the legal drinking age in the US?
Any BAC over ? is illegal for anyone under 21.
Any BAC over ? is illegal for anyone over to age of 21.
Driving is a ?, Not a ?
Right, privilege
For an ignition interlock device, the car will not start if?
Your BAC is over .05
Name two things your licensed can be suspended for.
Graffiti and setting fire alarms
How does the MVC keep track of a motorist’s driving record?
By the Point System
A person who has 3 license suspensions in 3 years.
A habitual offender.
Name three things a motorist has to be careful to watch.
Vehicles, pedestrians, and animals.
What is a no zone?
A blind spot where are driver cannot see other vehicles.
When a truck is coming from the opposite direction, you should?
Stay towards the right.
What does a motorist have to do if an animal runs in the road.
Run them over!!!!!! (If they don’t it can cause a collision between cars)
Mopeds cannot go faster than?
25 mph.
NJ residents who buy a new vehicles must…
Title, register, and insure it.
If a motorist moves into NJ, they have how many days to title and register their car?
Where should you put your license plates?
On the front and the back of the car.
What should you do if you lose your license plates?
Report to the police and go to the MVC to get new ones within 24 hours.
Both license plates must be able to be seen at how many feet at night?