Sophia Wan Chapter 1-6 Flashcards
At what points should you grip the steering wheel?
At 9 and 3
When parking uphill, which direction should you turn your wheels?
Away from the curb
How long do you need to practice before getting a probationary license?
At least 6 months
Where do the decals have to be displayed?
On both the front and rear license plates
At what times are you NOT permitted to drive?
Between 11:01 pm and 5:00 am
When should you signal before making a turn?
At least 100 feet before the turn
What must a driver do while making a K-turn?
Make sure the road is clear and signal as you turn
What is the left lane for?
Passing, not speeding!
When driving in reverse, what should your body position be?
You should have your left hand at the 12 on the wheel, you right arm should be on the back of the passenger seat, and your body and head should be turned to the back
What type of license do you receive after driving 1 year with a probationary drivers license?
The basic driver license
What does the posted speed limit tell you?
The fastest speed you can go
What signal on the road tells you that you can pass?
When the line in the middle of the road is broken
When driving on a curve, your car will?
Keep going straight
When making a left turn at a controlled intersection, what must you do?
You should yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians in the crosswalk
If an intersection has a stop sign, what do you do?
You should stop within 5 feet of the nearest crosswalk or stop line
What should you do when approaching an uncontrolled intersection?
Reduce your speed and be prepared to stop
When making a RIGHT turn at an intersection, what shouldn’t you do?
You shouldn’t cross the dividing line
How far away should you stop from a school bus with flashing lights?
Stop at least 35 ft away
How should you yield to emergency vehicles?
Steer to the extreme right of the road, stop, and wait for the emergency vehicle to pass
If you are making a LEFT turn at an intersection, what shouldn’t you do?
Don’t cut corners
What 2 reasons usually cause collisions?
Exceeding the speed limit and driving too slow (causing traffic to back up)
What does the single solid white line across a road mean?
You should stop behind the line for a traffic signal or sign
Are there any rules while navigating in a traffic circle?
There are no set rules; you should use common sense and caution
Traffic control signs determine which motorist has the right of way
What are acceleration lanes for?
For motorists to speed up and join the flow of traffic
What should you do if you see a disabled vehicle ahead?
Reduce speed and increase space between you and the vehicle. You may have to change lanes
What should you do if you’re angry before driving?
Give yourself time to cool off
What does Maggie’s law say?
It makes it illegal to knowingly drive while impaired by lack of sleep.
Why should you keep a distance between other vehicles?
So you have time to react to emergencies
How do you test your tires before going through water puddles?
Pump your brakes, which helps them dry
What are the causes of a skid?
Accelerating too quickly, turning too fast, and braking improperly
What 3 things usually decrease visibility?
Frost or ice, sun glares, and fog