valvular heart disease Flashcards
heart sounds
S1: closure of AV valves at start of ventricular systole
S2: closure of semilunar valves at start of ventricular diastole
S3: sound of rapid filling of ventricles during early diastole
S4: sound of late filling from atrial kick in late diastole
Valve opening normally not heard
slide 4-6
esp fixed splitting of S2
myxomas and pericardial knot (S3) may mimic valvular disease
causes of high frequency sound in early diastole
slide 7
more 8,9
how to approach pt with VHD
most important question to ask about valvular condition ??
Correctly diagnosing the affected valve
Estimating severity
Judging its effect on the myocardium
Deciding on antibiotic prophylaxis (not necessary for mitral valve prolapse)
Deciding on timing of surgery or catheter-based intervention
what is the condition’s effect on the cardiac muscle?? esp. LV
5 finger approach
H/P, labs, EKG, XR, cardiac testing (i.e. ECHO)
Aortic Stenosis:
Senile calcific
bicuspid: more turbulent flow, have symptoms younger (think associated with aortipathies (coarctation, etc) if with coarctations and headache, think: berry aneurysm
rheumatic HD (more mitral)
congenital (uni/quad cuspid valves, present early–>respond to valvuplasty)
Paget’s, ESRD
long latent period
Angina, Syncope (fixed obstruction and cannot augment CO under conditions of low SVR; ie: meds, vasovagal), CHF
FA: syncope, angina, dyspnea on exertion (SAD)
angina: 50% 5 yr mortality
syncope: 50% 3 yr mortality
CHF: 50% 2 yr mortality
no meds shown to reduce progression of aortic stenosis
aortic stenosis exam:
Harsh, late-peaking SEM (sys. ejection murmur) radiating to the neck, palpable systolic thrill, sustained LV impulse, pulsus parvus et tardus, S2 single (A2 is absent), paradoxical split S2 (A2 closure takes longer), S4 gallop (heard when diastolic dysfunction) Prolongation of LV ejection due to severe outflow obstruction
aortic stenosis EKG?? CXR?? more dx sx?
AV calcification, cardiomegaly, LV prominent without dilation
Echo (test of choice): measure doppler gradients,
severe AS if valvular area:
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
biphasic: old and young
ddx from aortic stenosis
provocative maneuver:
valsalva: gets louder
small LV cavity bc wall is enlarged–>turbulence
make cavity smaller–>lower
dec. venous return into right heart->less blood in LV–>smaller cavity–>louder
softer with squatting: pushing more blood into heart–>larger LV–>less turbulence–>softer murmur
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ddx from aortic stenosis
after PVC: same PP in AS
PP gets smaller in hypertrophic myopathy
Brockenbrough phenomenon
Aortic stenosis time course charts
slide 12
long latent period
valve replacement
bioprosthetic (for oldies: last 10-15 yrs) don’t need anticoagulation
mechanical: for younger pts (need anticoagulation)
transaortic valve replacement
access from groin
typically transferal
valve placed on stent and expanded, “crushing” old bad valves, open/closed based on heart pressure gradients
no opening of chest, good for old ppl
aortic stenosis parameters
slide 15
criteria for sx
EF falls below 50
LV outflow tract obstruction
supravalvar AS
congenital, assoc. with William’s syndrome
narrowing above valve
Subvalvular membrane:
subvalvular AS
congenital flap of tissue obstructing valve (before it) and may be a/w coarctation as part of *Shone’s syndrome mitral stenosis due to supravalvular MV membrane, LVOT obstruction, coarctation
needs sx
mean gradient of 40
get measurement from echo
using doppler probe (ECHO) measure velocity and convert velocity into pressure
Bernule formula
if CAD (3 vessel disease) along with AS
might as well replace AS w/ angioplasty
Aortic Regurgitation/insufficiency (Chronic) etiology
Aortic root dilation from HTN (–>dissection, aneurysm), CMN, bicuspid valve, ankylosing spondylitis, syphilis, RA
(secondary: something stretching leaflets open)
(primary: problem with leaflets)
FA: endocarditis, RF
long latent period
can have combo AI/AS
Aortic Regurgitation (Chronic) Hx
Dyspnea, Angina, Fatigue, CHF
Aortic Regurgitation (Chronic) exam
Wide pulse pressure, low diastolic pressure, bounding pulses (quick rising), laterally displaced PMI, long decrescendo diastolic murmur along LSB if valvular or RSB if aortic root etiology, Austin-flint murmur at apex (diastolic MR; MV struck by regurgitant jet–>you will not hear loud S1 or OS which is c/w mitral stenosis), S3 gallop (with dilated ventricle)
Aortic Regurgitation (Chronic) eponyms (FYI?)
Quinckes pulse, DeMusset’s sign (head bobbing from such strong pulse, uvula can vibrate) duroziez sign, bisferiens
Cardiomegaly, boot-shaped heart, LV enlargement
Echo, cath: can see how much blood flowing backwards
AI: timing of sx
Symptoms, EF 55
EDD >75
chronic AI tx
Vasodilator therapy (ACE-Inh/ARB/Nifedipine)
don’t use B-blocker, will prolong diastole??