pregnancy Flashcards
preggo dx
Fetal heart tones by ultrasound: 5-6 weeks
Fetal heart tones by Doppler: 10-12 weeks
Fundus above pubic symphasis: 12-15 weeks
Fundus at umbilicus: 20 weeks
Pregnancy: dating
Last menstrual period
Naegele’s rule: LMP + 7 days – 3 months
Eg LMP 1/11 + 7 days = 1/18 – 3 months = 10/18
Pregnancy wheel
PLUS ultrasound
First trimester: 1 week variation (most accurate)
Second trimester: 2 week variation
Third trimester: 3 week variation
Identical alpha subunit as: LH, FSH, TSH
Maintains corpus luteum progesterone: 8-10 wks
- Elevated: multiples, hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinoma, Down syndrome
- Decreased: abnormal pregnancy, Edward syndrome, Patau syndrome
HCG secreted by ??
Secreted by syncytiotrophoblasts in the placenta
Double every 29-53 hours
Blood: within 1 week
Urine: within 2 weeks
Peak at 8-10 weeks
Around 60,000-90,000
slide 9
gestational landmarks
trimester definitions
First trimester: 0-12 weeks
Second trimester: 12-28 weeks
Third trimester: 28-42 weeks
term definitions
Full term: 37 weeks Late preterm: 34 – 36 6/7 wks Early term: 37 – 38 6/7 wks Full term: 39 – 40 6/7 wks Late term: 41 – 41 6/7 wks Post term: ≥ 42 wks
Fetal “viability”: 24 weeks (can be resuscitated)
Initial laboratory tests:
Blood type Rhesus type Antibody screen Hemoglobin/Hematocrit Sickle cell screening? Rubella immunity Varicella immunity Urinalysis and urine culture STIs Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Syphilis (RPR) Hepatitis B (HBsAg) HIV Cervical cytology
optional lab tests
Fetal aneuploidy screening Invasive: CVS or amniocentesis Noninvasive: -“First trimester screening” (nuchal translucency (12wks, PAPP-A, HCG) ~90% sn -Quad screen (2nd trim.: maternal a-FP, UC estradiol, HCG, ??) 60-70% sn. -Cell free fetal DNA Screening for CF, SMA Fragile X
Tay-Sachs, Canavan dz, familial dysautonomia for Ashkenazi Jewish population
Ovulation–> Fertilization
Occurs in ampulla of fallopian tube
Occurs within 1 day of ovulation
Occurs in the wall of the uterus
Occurs within 6 days of ovulation
s/s preggo dx
Amenorrhea Nausea/vomiting Breast tenderness Urinary frequency/urgency Fatigue Vaginal cyanosis Enlarged/globular uterus Softened cervix
labs: HCG
imaging: U/S
prenatal visits
Q4 weeks – until 28 weeks
Q2 weeks – until 36 weeks
Q1 week – until delivery
every prenatal visit
Weight BP Fundal height FHTs Urine protein Urine glucose
6-12 weeks ??
12 weeks ??
16-20 weeks??
20 weeks ??
Confirm dates
First trimester screening
AFP or Quad screen
Fetal anatomy ultrasound
Cervical length
24-28 Weeks
28 weeks?
35-36 wks?
41 wks?
Gestational Diabetes screening
Rh0 (D) Immune Globulin
GBS screening
Antepartum fetal testing