sore throat Flashcards
most common signs of GABHS
fever anterior cervical (posterior is viral) lymphadenopathy lack of cough (don't rely on) exudates (+ erythema)
causes of bac. pharyngitis
1. GABHS Strep pneumonia H. flu Bordetella Pertussis Neisseria Gonorrhea (viral is more common than bac)
white lesions
DO NOT scratch off
defined border
enlarging area of leukoplakia
-submucosal depth
other oral lesions
irregular base/border, change in color
can be tender
oral candidiasis
painful, creamy-white patches, CAN be rubbed off, will bleed
more diffuse
ulcerative lesions: aphthous ulcer
assoc. w/ HHV 6
painful, round, small ulcerations
hepatosplenomegaly marked lymphadenopathy purplish exudates lymphocytosis want to rule out GABHS tx: erythromycin (risk of confection) steroids
(uncomp viral infection): mono tx
observation w. limited physical activity
do not give antiviral
Ludwig angina
cellulitis of sublingual and submaxillary spaces
-seems like epiglottitis but not
diff to swallow
deep neck abcesses w/
marked pain and swelling
IM PCN (1x dose)
sore throat red flags
- can’t handle secretions
- “hot potato” voice
cannot open mouth all the way
unilateral deviation of uvula, spitting into cup
peritonsilar abcess
inflammation of mouth, lesion
diff. eating/drinking/swallowing
etiology: infections, vit. def, chemo
danger: dehydration
tx: supportive, lidocaine/mylanta- “magic” mouthwash
candida spp., oral mucosa inf. white, cheesy coating, able to scrape off! -dx
risks: infants, abx tx, steroids, leukopenia, DM, immuncomps (HIV) diaper rash, endocarditis in IVDA (all ICs)
thrush tx
clotrimazole, nystatin (topical azoles)
systemic and esophageal: fluconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin
be aware of esophagitis! : HIV pt
thrush: you see this on KOH prep
yeast + pseudohyphae and budding yeast
see thrush (besides mouth)
under breasts of obese females
keep dry + anti fungal powder +/- oral anti fungals
prec. 24-48 hrs by fever, ha, malaise
swollen/eryth. lesions–>vsicular–>rupture–>ulcerated lesions
painful! (vs. syphilis, not painful)
HSV tx
antivirals dec. duration/sev/recurrence
acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir (guanosine analog): inhib. viral DNA polymerase by chain termination (don’t get rid of virus)
acyclovir converted to
antiviral-monophosphate via viral thymidine kinase
- ->antiviral triphosphate (host cell kinases)
- ->inactivates DNA polymerases (prev. viral DNA syn.)
- resistance occurs w/ mutated thymadine kinase
HSV autoinoculation
herpetic keratitis: leading cause of blindness in industrial world
HSV dx
Wright or giemsa stain (tzanck prep), intranuclear inclusions and multinuc. giant cells
mostly oral, gingivostomatitis, herpes, labialis-lip (some genital)
-assoc. ww/ facial nerve palsy (LMN lesion)
viral encephalitis affecting temp. lobe and keratoconjunctivitis
transmitted: resp. sec., saliva
typ. genital (some oral)
genitals, neonatal, transmitted:
sexual contact and perinatal
sore throat dx red flags
stridor (harsh vibratory noise w/ breathing)
unable to handle sec
palpable mass
*normal looking throat? (cannot see abcess in retropharyngeal area (abscess), epiglottitis (epiglottitis), something further down–>can be v. severe)
voice change
sx>7 days (abcess or such)
streptococcal pharyngitis
GABHS? “rapid strep” (many false negs–>do culture (25% turn pos) or full Cx (anything))
fever, exudates, no cough, tender cervical LN (strep not viral)
-rheumatic fever if untx
streptococcal pharyngitis tx
streptococcal pharyngitis often presents w/
abdominal pain (also assoc. Scarlet fever)