peds cardiology Flashcards
Completion of the third week
Intraembryonic blood vessels noted at day 20
Days 21 – 23: the median heart tube is complete
Day 22: heart starts beating
Days 27 – 29: circulation begins
fetal circulation
For the fetus the placenta is the oxygenator so the lungs do no work
RV and LV contribute equally to the systemic circulation and pump against similar resistance (after born RV against less pressure)
Shunts are necessary for survival
ductus venosus (oxygenated blood bypasses the liver) foramen ovale (R→L atrial level shunt) ductus arteriosus (R→L arterial level shunt)
In a right to left shunt ??
Blood (that hasn’t traveled to lungs yet) is shunting across to the left side of the heart
The underlying goal of fetal circulation is to get oxygenated blood to the brain of the fetus
Fetal Normal Values
Umbilical vein PaO2 is 30-35 mmHg.
Fetus 70-80% saturated at this PaO2
Adult 50-60% saturated at same PaO2
Oxygen delivery must be achieved in a relatively hypoxic environment.
residue 143
Single amino acid change histidine to serine
Histidine positively charged. Serine neutral.
This change results in less binding of 2,3 BPG to fetal Hb which increase fetal oxygen affinity
transitional circulation
With first few breaths lungs expand and serve as the oxygenator
Placenta is removed from the circuit
Systemic pressure INCREASES (placenta WAS a low pressure circuit, now clamped/removed)
Pulmonary pressure DECREASES
Foramen ovale functionally closes
Ductus arteriosus usually closes within first 2-3 days, due to some residual flow (PGE1,2 KEEPS PDA open : placental makes PGs)
Indomethacin: ENDs PDA
if coarctations, take 7-10 days to close (hypoxic)
slide 13: after birth umbilical arteries close
systemic pressure increases–>inc. LA pressure greater than RA, no more right to left shunt
pulmonary pressure decreases, blood goes out to lungs instead of thru PDA
shunts essentially close first 30-45 seconds of life
Congenital Heart Disease:
Neonates with CHD often rely on a ?? and/or ?? to sustain life.
patent ductus arteriosus
foramen ovale
Unfortunately for these neonates, both of these passages begins to close following birth.
The ductus normally closes by ??
The foramen ovale normally closes by??
72hrs. (so small window to dx!)
3 months.
What function does the PDA provide after birth in a baby with cyanotic congential heart disease?
A. Provides a source of pulmonary blood flow
B. Provides a source of systemic blood flow
C. Prevents the PFO from closing
D. Supports blood pressure
Provides a source of pulmonary blood flow
L side pressures are greater, L->R->lungs
In the presence of hypoxia or acidosis (present in ductal-dependent lesions), ??
the ductus may remain open for a longer period of time
As a result, these patients can present to the ED as late as the first 2 weeks of life
sepsis should be #1 on ddx but keep ductus open and if find out infectious, close it back up
CHD s/s right side (more insidious)
Venous congestion Hepatomegaly Ascitis Pleural effusion Edema
CHD s/s left side
Tachypnea (to breathe off CO2)
Pulmonary edema
CHD s/s low CO
Acutely: Pallor Sweating Cool extremities capillary refill Tachycardia
Feeding difficulty (sweating)
Poor growth
present like adult CHF
Neonatal Circulation
RV pumps to pulmonary circulation and LV pumps to systemic circulation
Pulmonary resistance (PVR) is high initially; so initially RV pressure ~ LV pressure
By 6 weeks pulmonary resistance drops and LV becomes dominant
(dramatic drop, then slow drop to adult levels)
baby comes in hx of ALTE (acute life threatening event)
EKG slide 19
acute life threatening event
LV typically has highest amplitudes (V5, V6)
if V1, V2 higher than V3, V4-6, RVH? right bigger than left? (i.e. Epstein’s??)
no, normal finding: takes time for left side muscle mass to “bulk up”
Normal Infant Circulation
LV pressure is 4-5 x RV pressure (this is feasible since RV pumps against lower resistance than LV)
RV is more compliant chamber than LV
LV has stiffer, more muscular wall
Normal blood flow values: No shunts No pressure gradients Normal AV valves Normal semilunar valves
LA: 100% LV: 90/60 aorta: 100% RA: 75% RV: 20/5 pulmonary artery: 75%
If you have a hole in the heart what affects shunt flow?
Pressure – blood takes the path of least resistance
Resistance – impedance to blood flow
Incidence of CHD
Occurs in 8–10/1000 live births (less than 1%)
Familial recurrence risk:
1 - 3% ⇨ sibling
2 - 4% ⇨ parent
25% ⇨ parent + sibling or 2 parents (Noonan’s syndrome, Turner’s (inseminated))
If the mother has a rare, left-sided defect ⇨ more likely to reoccur in offspring