epilepsy Flashcards
questions to ask
prodrome? loss of urine/BM? tongue biting? describe seizure (witnesses?) occupation?
seizure old def
paroxysmal event due to abnormal, excessive, hypersynchronous discharges from aggregate of CNS neurons
seizure new def
transient disturbance of cerebral function due to an abnormal paroxysmal neuronal discharge in the brain
Recurrent seizure due to genetically or acquired brain disorder
0.5 to 1 % of pop
50% have a cause:
Head trauma, brain tumor, stroke, infection in brain, congenital
what is NOT considered epilepsy
etOH, metabolic derangements (PROVOKED)
seizure initiation phase
High frequency APs and hypersynchronization (all at same time)
Long lasting depol. of membrane due to influx of calcium which opens voltage dependent sodium channels–>repetitive action potentials
(abnormal e- activity)
location of activity determines type
if gets better w. prednisone
reduces vasogenic edema from brain mass
seizure propagation phase
can go all over from initial location
??? can lower seizure threshold by inhibiting (antagonizing) the effects of ??? at the receptors
PCN (dangerous!)
structural/metabolic causes
Pediatric – congenital
Metabolic – withdrawal alcohol, drugs, hypoglycemia
Trauma – post trauma, may not imply future seizure
Tumors – all patients > age 30 with seizure must have head imaging, focal seizures
Vascular – usually advanced age, >60
Infectious – AIDS, meningitis, encephalitis, syphilis, cysticercosis
hypoglycemic seizures are
reversible, give sucrose
assess for meningitis
nuchal rigidity
Kernig: flex knee and hip
Bruzinski: flex neck
stretching meninges
partial seizure: simple
motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic signs
-preservation of consciousness
Jacksonian march: spread over larger regions of motor cortex
Todd’s paralysis: loc. paresis after seizure
partial seizure: complex
loss of consciousness
Frequently begins with aura
Chewing, lip smacking, picking
EEG will be abnormal during seizure
partial with secondary generalization
Focal onset may not be clinically evident, but EEG would capture spikes/waves
Difficult to distinguish from generalized tonic clonic seizure
primarily generalized seizures: absence (petit mal)
“staring off into space”
Brief lapse of consciousness without loss of postural control
Frequently lasts seconds
Usually begins in childhood, ages 4-8
Can occur hundreds of times a day
Decline in school performance? Daydreaming?
primarily generalized seizures: tonic clonic (grand mal)
~10% of patients with epilepsy have this type
Most frequent type from metabolic derangements
Tonic contraction of muscles of expiration and larynx cause “ictal cry”
EEG will be abnormal during seizure
what worry about: airway, aspiration, most dangerous
other primarily generalized seizures:
tonic: stiffening
atonic: limp
myoclonic: shaking
simple partial seizure symptoms
paresthesia, flashing lights, vertigo, flushing, altered smell/hearing
EEG will be abnormal during seizure, but hard to classify unless actually having seizure- use 24 hr EEG
how to provoke? sleep deprivation
generalized seizure arise from..
both hemispheres simultaneously
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
Bilateral myoclonic jerks single or repetitive
Most frequent in AM, worse with sleep deprivation
Respond well to anti convulsive therapy
-roll on side