HTN Flashcards
damage from HTN
stroke retinopathy, blindness MI HF kidney failure
HTN emergency
see slide 4
consistently above 140/90 check for
end organ damage
if yes: tx for HTN
if not, diet and exercise
(home BP: 135/85)
HTN values
Normal: less than 120/80
pre-HTN: 120-139/80-89
stage 1: 140-159/90-99
stage 2: greater than 160/greater than 100
how to perform BP
slide 7, 8
long standing HTN
develop LVH–>higher rate of CV events
tx pressure, mass will decrease
if untx dev. ESRD
etiology of HTN: primary (95%)
Overactivitation of SNS and RAAS
Blunting of pressure-natriuresis relationship
Variation in CV/renal development
Elevated intracellular Na+/Ca+
Exacerbating factors (too much salt, meds: NSAIDS, cocaine, smoking, etOH, sleep apnea, OCPs)
Secondary Hypertension
Who should be screened?
Severe or resistant HTN: Persistent HTN despite use of adequate doses of three antiHTN from different classes
Acute rise in BP in a patient with previously stable values
Age less than 30 in non-obese, non-African American pt w. negative fam hx
malignant/accelerated HTN (severe HTN and evidence of end-organ damage)
age of onset before puberty
Genetic causes of secondary HTN
Liddle syndrome
HTN in pregnancy
Renal/renovascular causes of secondary HTN
FMD (fibromuscular dysplasia) in young women (rev)
Refractory HTN
Bruits, PAD
Cr increase with ACE-I (bilat renal artery stenosis)
Pulmonary edema
slide 17
flash pulmonary edema
paroxysmal elevations in BP
triad of pounding ha, palps, sweating
primary aldosteronism
unexplained hypokalemia with Ur K+ wasting (but more than 50% are normokalemic)
tx: spironalactone: aldosterone inhib
cushingoid facies, central obesity, prox musc wkness and ecchymoses
may have hx glucocorticoid use
sleep apnea
primarily in obese men, snore loudly
daytime somnolence, fatigue, morning confusion
coarctation of aorta
HTN in arms, diminished/delayed femoral pulses and low/unobtainable BP in legs
left brachial pulse diminished and equal to femoral pulse if origin of the left subclavian artery is distal to the coarctation
*bicuspid aortic valve, assoc. with aortapathies (tx: stent)
+ coarc. check for intracranial aneurysms if both! (MRI)
symptoms of hypothyr.
elevated TSH
primary hyperparathyroidism
elevated serum calcium
If untreated can lead to acute complications
Chronic complications:
Hypertensive heart disease
Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease and dementia
Hypertensive kidney disease
HTN: Silent killer
Silent killer
Mostly asymptomatic; headache
If severe can cause encephalopathy with N/V, confusion, vision changes