SC injuries Flashcards
slide 4
know bolded
also slide 6 low right pic
compression fx
vertebral body
herniated disc..needs
anterior vertebral column should be
nice and smooth
complete SCI
The complete absence of sensory and motor function below the level of injury.
This includes loss of function to the level of the lowest sacral segment
incomplete SCI
Sensory, motor, or both functions are partially present below the neurologic level of injury.
may consist only of sacral sensation at the anal mucocutaneous junction or voluntary contraction of the external anal sphincter upon digital examination
Anterior Cord Syn, Central Cord Syn, Brown-Sequard
spinal shock
The temporary loss or depression of spinal reflex activity that occurs below a complete or incomplete spinal cord injury (unknown duration)
The lower the spinal cord injury, the more likely that all distal reflexes will be absent.
Loss of neurologic function that occurs with spinal shock can cause an incomplete spinal cord injury but mimics a complete cord injury.
spinal shock 2
first reflex to return ?
duration ?
Therefore, cord lesions cannot be deemed complete until spinal shock has resolved.
The bulbocavernosus reflex is among the first to return as spinal shock resolves.
The duration of spinal shock is variable; it generally persists for days to weeks
SC syndromes
Anterior Cord Syndrome-
Central Cord Syndrome
Brown-Sequard (Hemisection
anterior cord syndrome from…
Corticospinal pathway
Spinothalamic pathway
Preservation of posterior column function
anterior cord syndrome
It is characterized by
loss of motor function below the level of injury
loss of sensations carried by the anterior columns of the spinal cord (pain and temperature)
preservation of sensations carried by the posterior columns (fine touch and proprioception)
anterior cord causes
Contusion of the cord or bony-injury Flexion of cervical spine Thrombosis of anterior spinal artery Leads to ischemic injury Extrinsic masses
anterior cord px
Overall is poor
Functional recovery has been and is still very minimal
Anterior spinal artery syndrome is the most common form of spinal cord infarction
central cord from damage to
Corticospinal pathway
Spinothalamic pathway
Preservation of posterior column function