validity and reliability of diagnosis Flashcards
validity in diagnosis
-the correct diagnosis/ correct illness been diagnosed
-lead to
the right treatment for the diagnosed mental health disorder
concurrent validity
Two separate test/measures give the same diagnosis e.g., DSM/ICD
construct validity
Do the symptoms in the Diagnostic manual match up with the symptoms of the patient
predictive validity
-suggest how your illness will progress
-and I can give
you medication for your illness and your symptoms should go away
aetiological validity
-sufferers of disorder should have the same cause
-if your
mother has Schizophrenia, and you are diagnosed with it, the cause should be idenitified as genetic
and we should expect to see a certain progression.
reliability in diagnosis
if a patient was diagnosed again, would they get same diagnosis
inter rater reliability
multiple doctors give same diagnosis
retest reliability
You get the same diagnosis again when rediagnosed (could be on different versions
of DSM, or just later on the same version)
some illnesses overlap and could be diagnosed as one by one doctor and a different,
overlapping illness by another doctor
culturally bound syndromes
mental illnesses specific to one culture that may not be diagnosed if
the patient is in a different culture when seeing a doctor
example of culturally bound syndrome
problem with culturally bound syndromes
less valid diagnosis as it won’t be clear in other cultures what the patient is suffering from
social norms in diagnosis
different cultures have different social norms so what is considered normal in one culture could be considered a mental illness
dsm and icd problem in diagnosis
dsm may be misinterpreted if doctor is not from a western culture
spiritual model vs medical model
spiritual model views mental illness as something supernatural
medical model views as a mental illness so treatments will differ depending on which is being used
culture doesn’t affect diagnosis: lin 1966
Lin (1996) Sz has more common factors around the world than differing
culture does affect diagnosis: malgady
malgady in Costa Rica it is considered normal to speak to ghosts, but this would be considered a sign of sz in the USA
culture does affect diagnosis: burnham
Mexican born Americans have more auditory hallucinations than American born Mexicans
culture does affect diagnosis: sato
some cultures are unwilling to diagnose certain mental illnesses eg sz may have it but don’t have diagnosis
culture does not affect diagnosis: lee 2006
Lee (2006) showed that the DSM was valid in another culture (Korea for ADHD)
in Korea and usa