usmle2: block 2 Flashcards
note some in block 1
spleen immune fxn (2)
- mononuclear phagocytes ingest unopsonized organisms (encapsulated organisms)
- contains half of total body Ig-producing B cells. needed to opsonize bacteria
radiation to head/neck
think: thyroid neoplasm
familial associated of melanoma
Kluver-Bucy syndrome? associated w/
temporal damage, esp amygdala
inappropriate sexual activity, oral fixation, hyperphagia, visual agnosia, aphasia, lacid, amnesia, distractable
associated w/ HSV-1 encephalitis
insula cortex
subjective emotional experience
body representation
conscious cravings
active when drug abusers see cues that trigger craving
ventilation =
tidal volume x respiratory rate
pathophysiology of tardive dyskinesia (2)
- upregulation of central dopamine receptors
2. decrease in cholinergic activity in striatum
how is epinephrine made?
NE -> dopamine
via Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
COPD: increased PFT? decreased
increased TLC, RV, and FRC
decreased FEV1/FVC
contact inhibition (petri dish) mediated by what molecules
cadherins and catenins
loss = sign of malignancy
respiratory symptoms in superior vena cava syndrome due to..
laryngeal edema
often due to lung cancer/lymphoma
axially nerve injury caused by?
fracture of surgical neck of humerus
how do osteoclasts resorb bone
form howship lacunae and secrete acid (made by intracellular carbonic anhydrase)
note: osteoclasts: multinucleated, from monocytes
negri body in hippocampus
rabies infxn
renal plasma flow =
RBF x (1-Hct)
definition of orthostatic hypotension
decrease of 20mmHg systolic
or 10mmHg diastolic
more sensitive: HR increase w/ standing
systemic therapy for psoriasis
how do aminoglycosides get into cell
O2 dependent, energy-dependent
aminoglycoside resistance (3)
- poor penetration
- can’t bind to 30s subunit
- destruction by bacterial enzymes
only FDA approved drug for obesity?
inhibit intestinal lipase, inhbiit fat absorption
increase 5-HT levels
little long term efficacy; pulmonary HTN and valvulopathy
rectal blood supply
- superior rectal: IMA (portal)
- middle rectal: internal iliac
- inferior rectal: internal pudendal
similar for venous drainage
inferior epigastric vein drains to..
external iliac
azygous =
right lumbar + right subcostal above diaphragm
does not exist below diaphragm
where is glycogen stored
liver and muscle
2 fates of F6P
fasting: gluconeogenesis
fed: glycolysis
regulated by F2,6BP (high in fed, low in fasting)
what regulates formation of F2,6BP
1 enzyme, ultimately PKA
GLUCAGON increases cAMP, increases PKA,
-decreases F2,6BP (converts to F6P for gluconeogenesis)
INSULIN decreases cAMP, decreases PKA
-increases F2,6BP, stimulates PFK-1 for glycolysis
cavernous sinus receives drainage from..
- cerebral veins
2. facial veins (via superior& inferior opthalmic vein)
what cranium sinus can be affected by facial (orbit, nose, paranasal sinus) infxn?
cavernous! bc also gets venous drainage from facial veins!
androgen used to suppress FSH and LH by pituitary
used in: endometriosis
parasite with ingested RBC
entamoeba histolytica
increased lumbar lordosos ‘sway back’ associated w/ excessive flexion of..
hip flexors
give pelvic an anterior tilt
or, weak hip extensors
glucagon-dependent insulin peptide
gastrin-inhibitory peptide (supraphysiological levels)
part of incretin effect, increase insulin release
released by K cells of intestine
CCK stimulates
pancreatic ENZYME secretion
bile production & GB contraction
protein, lipid sensitive
Secretin stimulates
pancreatic BICARB secretion
also gallbladder & dudenum BICARB secretion
acid sensitive
ACE inhibitors in pregnancy
NO! teratogen
ACE inhibitors on fetal kidney develop
angiotensin II needed for normal fetal renal development
renal atrophy, ultimately anuria –> potter sequence
chylomicron – secreted from intestinal cells
VLDL – secreted from hepatocytes
recycle, back to liver
activate lipoproteinlipase
activate LCAT (esterify cholesterol, less toxic) on VLDL