#2 microbiology Flashcards
Haemophilus will not grow on sheep agar unless Staph aureus is plated, why?
S. aureus, beta-hemolytic, will lyse RBCs and free hematin (X) and secrete NAD+ (V), which is necessary for H. flu growth
3 types of botulinism
- foodborne - eating foods w/ botulism toxin (i.e. canned)
- wound botulism - toxin production in a wound infected w/ c. botulinum
- infant botulism - consumes c. botulinum spores, mature into vegetative toxin producing cells in intestine (i.e. contaminated honey)
all three forms can be fatal – medical emergency
3 most common clinical manfifestation of botulinism, and Rx?
3 D’s – dipolpia, dysphagia, dysphonia. 12-46 hrs later. antitoxin to sequester circulating toxin, but can’t stop toxin already in cells. supportive.
most common bacterial causes of acute otitis media, sinusitis, AND bacteria conjunctivitis are… name 3
- strep pnemoniae
- nontypable haemophilus influenza
- moraxella cattarrhalis
what fraction of the body’s total immunoglobulis are produced by splenic B cells
nearly 50%
acute rheumatic fever and acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis are both post-strep infections, following what TYPE of infxn?
- APSGN: either strep skin infxn (impetigo) or strep pharyngeal infxn
- rheumatic fever: only with GAS throat infxn
classic triad of arthritis, uveitis/conjunctivitis, urethritis
reactive arthritis (HLA-B27 related)
strep pnemoniae cannot grow in the presence of…
bile or optochin
commonly used clinical disinfectants [4]? which are sporicidal?
what is formaldehyde/glutaraldehyde used for?
- alcohols (isopropanol, ethanol) - disrupt membrane, denature proteins. NOT sporicidal
- chlorhexidine - disrupt membrane, coagulate cytoplasm. NOT sporicidal
- hydrogen peroxide - produces free radicals. SPORICIDAL
- Iodine - halogenation of proteins & nucleic acids. SPORICIDAL
formaldehyde/glutaraldehyde – alkylating and cross-linking DNA, sterilize hospital equipment that can’t stand autoclave (high pressure steam
which anti-malarial drug treats hypnozites?
primaquine (p=prevent relapse). no effect on merozites!
most serious long-term adverse effect of chloroquine
retinopathy!! (primaquine doesn’t have this)
chloroquine resistant malaria rx: [2]
mefloquine or quinine/doxycycline
48hour cycle malaria
p. vivax or ovale (which have hepatic latent stages)
lechithinase (or phospholipase C) toxin released by?
Clostridium perfringens - degrades phospholipids. gas gangrene
pertussis toxin
exotoxin by bordetella pertussis – stimulates G-proteins to increase cAMP production. increased insulin (hypoglycemia), lymphocyte & neutrophil dysfunction, and increased histamine sensitivity
shiga toxin (shigella) and shiga-like toxin (e. coli)
inactivate 60s ribosomal subunit
microbes that can cause necrotizing fasciitis [5]
- step pyogenes
- staph aureus
- clostridium perfinges
- strep agalactiae
- aeromonas hydrophila (gram neg rod, non-lactose, oxidase +)
coag -, cat-, PYR+, hyaluronidase, m-protein (prevents complement fixation)
strep pyogenes
(s aureus is PYR -)posi
positive cAMP test
enhancement of s. agalactiae beta-hemolysis when plated perpendicular to s. aureus
medium for isolation of N. gonorrhoeae
chocolate agar +
- vancomycin (inhibit gram +,
- colistin (polymixin) to inhibit gram negative (inclu other neisserias),
- nystatin to inhibit yeast, and trimethoprim to inhibit proteus
what do nonspecific treponemal test look for (VDRL, RPR)
cardiolipin, by product of treponemal infxn
though it is too thin to see on gram stain, treponema is..
gram negative
haemophilus ducreyi
forms “chancroid”. similar primary lesion to chancre in syphilis, but painful and swollen regional lymph nodes
histoplasma capsulatum
mississippi and ohio river valley. bird and bat droppings. chicken coops and caves.
pulmonary – similar to tuberculosis (lung granulomas w/ calcifications). disseminate to lung, spleen, liver.
hides in macrophages
blastomycoses dermatitidis
great lakes. mississippi and ohio river valley.
doubly refractive wall, single broad-based bud
coccidioides immitis
southwestern states (desert areas). thick-walled spherules w/ endospores. pulmonary flu-like. disseminated skin, bones, meninges