#6 3/14 Flashcards
fever (in Celsius)? hyperpyrexia temp and cause? temp that causes neurological sequelae? what temp is incompatible w/ life?
fever = >38.3 C. hyperpyrexia = >40; severe infection, malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, heat stroke. neurological seq = > 42 (mental status change, convulsions, delirium, coma). incompatible w/ life = >43
pathogenesis of fever
exogenous pyrogens (i.e. LPS) stimulate synthesis of endogenous pyrogens (IL-1, IL-6, TNF). enter brain and stimulate release of arachodonic acid (phospholipase A2) and synthesis of PGE2 –> increases hypothalamic set-point
age at which aspirin can be used w/o fear of reyes?
> 12 y/o
acetaminophen mechanism?
anti-pyretic of choice in kids, inhibit cyclooxygenase in CNS, reduce PGE2 synthesis. oral or rectally = equally effective
symptoms of hypoglycemia (2; early and late).
- EARLY: adrenergic symptoms (sweating, tremor, palpitations, hunger, nervousness) from epinephrine and norepinephrine release.
- LATE & LOWER LEVELS: behavioral changes, confusion, visual disturbances, stupor. seizures
why is there a sympathetic surge when hypoglycemic (3)?
- stimulate lipolysis in peripheral tissue 2. stimulate gluconeogenesis in live 3. decrease peripheral glucose consumption
what drugs can make symptoms of hypoglycemia? (and therefore, be avoided in diabetics)
non-selective B-blockers (propanolol, timolol, nadolol). inhibit epinephrine and norepinephrine-mediated compensation to hypoglycemia.
specifically, B2 blockade inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis and peripheral glycogenolysis and lipolysis
(use B1 blocker if needed)
golden yellow / brownish cytoplasmic granules (2)? distinguish using?
either lipfuscin or hemosiderin; prussian blue stain (detects intracellular iron) differentiates.
black = hemosiderin
prussian blue histochemical rxn
colourless potassium ferrocyanide converted by iron into blue-black ferric ferrocyanide
hemosiderin-containing alveolar marcophages indicate?
“siderophages” or “heart-failure cells”, indicate episodes of pulmonary congestion and edema (increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure) associated w/ chronic left-sided heart failure occurred previously.
increased intravascular pressure –> extravasation of iron-containing proteins & erythrocytes, eaten by macrophages –> converted to hemosiderin
note: pressure must be elevated at capillary beds for this to happen, not proximal to capillaries
what can cause granulomas in the lung (7)
TB, fungal infxn, inhalation of foreign particles, beryllium lung disease, granulomatosis w/ polyangiitis (wegners), sarcoidosis, histiocytosis X
describe HIV pathophysiology once intracellular. describe how raltegravir is an effective antiretroviral.
2 RNA strands. reverse transcriptase synthesizes complementary DNA strand –> makes DS DNA, integrates into host chromosome. uses HOST RNA pol II to make mRNA and ultimately proteins.
w/o integration, can’t use host RNA pol II to make mRNA
(2) HIV fusion inhibitors
- enfuvirtide (fusion inhibitor, binds to gp41) 2. maraviroc ( CCR5 inhibitor)
HIV polypeptide cleavage inhibitors
protease inhibitors -navirs
cleaved portion of proinsulin polypeptide in golgi is…
packaged along w/ insulin in secretory granules & secreted in equimolar concentrations
first line treatment for enterobiasis (infxn w/ enterobius vermicularis)? rx: in pregnant women?
first-line: albendazole / mebendazole = first-line. pyrantel pamoate = preferred in pregnancy
diethylcarbamazine used for (2)
- Loa loa (loiasis) 2. wuchereria bancrofti (lymphatic filariasis)
ivermectin used for (2)
- strongyloides stercoralis 2. onchocerca volvulus
nifurtamox used for (1)
trypanosoma cruzi
praziquantel (3)
- schistosoma, 2. clonorchis sinensis, 3. paragonimus westermania
likelihood of plaque rupture depends on either (1) plaque stability or (2) plaque size?
(1) stability: mechanical strength of the overlying fibrous cap. balance of collagen synthesis and degradation. degradation –> chronic inflammation: macrophage secretion of metalloproteinases.
enzyme deficiency in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? characterized by?
procollagen peptidase, cleaves terminal regions of procollagen molecule exocytosed by fibroblasts or SMC, transforming procollagen into insoluble tropocollagen. aggregate to form collagen fibrils
Ehlers-Danlos: disorganized collagen bundles, stretchable skin, hypermobile joints, short-stature
rule of thumb: if calcium levels are high, phosphate levels are…
low! and vice versa
PTHrP on phosphorous levels
low! PTHrP inhibits phosphorous reabsorption from proximal renal tubule
why does pregnancy increase the risk of DVT (5)?
increased clotting factors, decreased fibrinolysis, reduced levels of protein S, decreased venous tone, pressure of gravid uterus on IVC (predispose to venous stasis)
classic presentation of DVT (4)
unilateral leg pain, swelling, warmth. characteristic: tenderness of calf muscle on dorsiflexion of foot (Homan’ sign)
mainstay rx: for DVT in pregnancy?
heparin –> increased ATIII activity (coumadin is teratogenic!)
Conn’s syndrome. name 2 common causes. clinical presentation
primary hyperaldosteronism, 65% are aldosterone secreting adrenal adenomas. 30-40% idiopathic hyperaldosteronism, inclu primary adrenal hyperplasia.
hyperaldosteronism – HTN & hypokalemia & metabolic alkalosis
hypokalemia: muscle paresis
hypokalemic alkalosis: paresthesia
weight gain & easy bruising are symptoms of…
glucocorticoid excess (Cushing syndrome)
bruising: inhibited collagen and matrix glyocsaminoglycan synthesis (thin, weak skin)
excess hair growth & virilization can result from excess of..
androgens (adrenal cortex)
diarrhea and flushing can be seen w/
carcinoid syndrome, 5-HT secreting tumor derived from neuroendocrine cells of GI tract
relationship between gibbs free energy (deltaG0) and Keq
if deltaG0 is -, Keq is >1, conc of products will exceed substrates. if delta G0 is +, Keq is <1, formation of substrates is favored.
deltaG0 = -RTLnKeq
celiac disease
increased sensitivity to a group of dietary proteins in wheat, barely, and rye (collectively known as “gluten) .
celiac disease –> small intestine mucosa becomes inflamed and atrophic in response to gluten –> defective mucosal absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
poor fat absorption –> poor vitamin D absorption (rickets in kids, osteomalacia in adults)
vitamin D deficiency. effect on PTH. effect on Ca++ and PO4-
both calcium & phosphorous absorption impaired. low vit D & low Ca++ –> increase PTH, liberate Ca++ and PO4- from bone, but PTH also increases excretion of PO4-.
low Ca++, low PO4-
what can cause hypoparathyroidism? describe electrolyte abnormalities
severe hypomagnesium (i.e. diarrhea) –> hypoaparathyroidism. will see low Ca++, high PO4- [low Mg+]
chronic renal failure on Ca++ and PO4- levels
can’t make 1,25 dihydrox vit D. can’t absorb Ca++ and PO4- in GI tract, will stimulate PTH, which increases liberation from bones, but can’t trash phosphate (hyperphosphatemia) and normal-to-low Ca++
what is reactive arthritis? common findings?
seronegative spondyloarthropathyin 20-40 y/o patients following a primary infxn of urethritis or enteritis.
findings: synovitis (mainly of knees, ankles, feet), enthesitis (inflamm where tendon/ligament attaches to bone), conjunctivitis, mouth ulcerations, balantis circinata, keratoderma blennorrhagicum.
axial involvement in 20% of cases
reactive arthritis initiated by which pathogens (5)
urethritis: chlamydia trachomatic. enteritis: salmonella, shigella flexneri, campylobacter jejuni, yersinia.
triad of reactive arthritis? HLA-subtype association?
- non-gonnococcal urethritis 2. conjunctivitis (possibly w/ anterior uveitis 3. arthritis. associated w/ HLAB27.
what is keratoderma blennorrhagicum?
begins w/ vesicles on an erythematous base which become sterile pustules, followed by development of ketatotic scale.
esophageal dysmotility is a classic finding in…
ischemic events in the pons are associated w/ (6)
coma, bilateral paralysis, decerebrate rigidity, pinpoint pupils, often death
lesion of internal capsule causes…
motor defecit
pure sensory stroke on entire contralateral body
VPL and VPM of thalamus
chronic uncontrolled HTN or DM causes what brain lesion? what would autopsy findings be?
occlusion of small penetrating arteries feeding basal ganglia, posterior limb of internal capsule, pons, and cerebellum. leaves small 5mm cavities.
what are the primary causes of lacunar infarcts?
lipohyalinosis and microatheromas.
lipohyalinosis –> destructive vessel lesion characterized by loss of normal arterial architecture, mural foam cells, and in acute cases, fibrinoid vessel wall necrosis.
microatheromas – accumulation of lipid-laden macrophages within intimal layer.
chronic HTN and DM
what do the superficial inguinal lymph nodes drain? where are these nodes?
all cutaneous lymph from umbilicus to feet, including external genitalia and anus (up to the beginning of the rectum, the dentate line). lies in a region bounded by inguinal ligament, sartorius muscle, and adductor longus. overlie femoral nerve, artery, and vein.
EXCLUDES posterior calf – drains to popliteal lymph nodes.
prokaryotic DNA replication: what does DNA pol III do? DNA pol I? on lagging strand
DNA pol III, makes initial DNA segments on lagging strain. DNA pol I, removes RNA primers and replaces w/ DNA.