Uses Of Enzymes Flashcards
What can enzymes be used in?
Biological detergents and washing powders
What enzymes are mainly used for this?
Proteins digesting enzyme (protease)
Fat digesting enzyme (lipase)
Why are they used for this?
Because the enzymes break down animal or plant matter they’re ideal for removing stains such as food and blood m
They’re also more effective at lower temperatures(30 degree) than normal detergents
What enzymes are used in foods and why?
Protease is used to predigest the protein in baby foods so it’s easier for the baby to digest
Carboghydrases can be used to turn starch syrup into sugar syrup
Glucose syrup can be turned into fructose syrup Jain get an isomerase enzyme. Fructose is sweeter so less is needed making it good for slimming foods
Why are enzymes useful in industry?
They speed up reactions without the need for high temperatures and pressures
What are the advantages of using enzymes in industry?
They’re specific so they only catalysts the reaction you want them to
Using lower temperature and pressure lowers cost as it saves energy
Enzymes work for a long time so after the initial cost of buying them you can continually use them
They are biodegradable and therefore cause less environmental pollution
What are the disadvantages of mushing enzymes in industry?
Some people can develop allergies to the enzyme
Enzymes can be denatured by even small increases in temperature or pH meaning conditions must be tightly controlled
Enzymes can be expensive to produce
Contamination of enzyme with other substances may affect the reaction