Urine (Biochimie) Flashcards
The average daily output of urine is:
- 200 ml
- 500 ml
- 1200 ml
- 2500 ml
3 - 1200 ml
An unidentified fluid is received in the laboratory with a request to determine whether the fluid is urine or another body fluid. Using routine laboratory tests, what tests would determine that the fluid is most probably urine:
- glucose and ketones
- urea and creatinine
- uric acid and amino acids
- protein and amino acids
2 - Urea and creatinine
The primary inorganic substance found in urine is:
- sodium
- phosphate
- chloride
- calcium
3 - chloride
A patient presenting with polyuria, nocturia, polydipsia, and a low urine specific gravity is exhibiting symptoms of:
- diabetes insipidus
- diabetes mellitus
- urinary tract infection
- uremia
1 - diabetes insipidus
A patient with oliguria might progress to having:
- nocturia
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- anuria
4 - Anuria
All of the following are characteristics of recommended urine containers except:
- a flat bottom
- a capacity of 50 ml
- a snap on lid
- are disposable
3 - a snap on lid
Labels for urine containers are:
- attached to the container
- attached to the lid
- placed on the container prior to collection
- not detachable
3 - placed on the containor prior to collection
A urine specimen may be rejected by the laboratory for all of the following reasons except the fact that the:
- requisition states the specimen is catheterized
- specimen contains toilet paper
- label and requisition do not match
- outside of the container has fecal material contamination
4 - outside of the container has fecal material contamination
A cloudy specimen received in the laboratory may have been preserved using:
- boric acid
- chloroform
- refrigeration
- formalin
1 - boric acid
For general screening the most frequently collected specimen is a:
- random one
- first morning
- midstream clean-catch
- timed
1 - random one
The primary advantage of a first morning specimen over a random specimen is that it:
- is less contaminated
- is more concentrated
- is less concentrated
- has a higher volume
2 - is more concentrated
If a patient fails to discard the first specimen when collecting a timed specimen the:
- specimen must be recollected
- results will be falsely elevated
- results will be falsely decreased
- both 1 and 2
4 - both 1 and 2
The primary cause of unsatisfactory results in an unpreserved routine specimen not tested for 8 hours is:
- bacterial growth
- glycolysis
- decreased pH
- chemical oxidation
1 - bacterial growth
Prolonged exposure of a preserved urine specimen to light will cause:
- decreased glucose
- increased cells and casts
- decreased bilirubin
- increased bacteria
3 - decreased bilirubin
Which of the following would be least affected in a specimen that has remained unpreserved at room temperature for more than 2 hours:
- urobilinogen
- ketones
- protein
- nitrite
3 - protein
Bacterial growth in an unpreserved specimen will:
- decrease clarity
- increase bilirubin
- decrease pH
- increase glucose
1 - decrease clarity
The most sterile specimen collected is a:
- catheterized
- midstream clean-catch
- three-glass
- suprapubic aspiration
4 - suprapubic aspiration
Which of the following would not be given to a patient prior to the collection of a midstream clean-catch specimen:
- sterile container
- iodine cleanser
- antiseptic towelette
- instructions
2 - iodine cleanser
Urine specimen collection for drug testing requires the collector to do all of the following except:
- inspect the specimen color
- perform reagent strip testing
- read the specimen temperature
- fill out a chain of custody form
2 - perform reagent strip testing
The concentration of a normal urine specimen can be estimated by which of the following:
- color
- clarity
- foam
- odor
1 - color
The normal yellow color of urine is produced by:
- bilirubin
- hemoglobin
- urobilinogen
- urochrome
4 - urochrom
The presence of bilirubin in a urine specimen produces a:
- yellow foam when shaken
- white foam when shaken
- cloudy specimen
- yellow-red specimen
1 - yellow foam when shaken
A urine specimen containing melanin will appear:
- pale pink
- dark yellow
- blue green
- black
4 - black
A patient with a viscous orange specimen may have been:
- treated for a urinary tract infection
- taking vitamin B pills
- eating fresh carrots
- taking antidepressants
1 - treated for a urinary tract infection
The presence of a pink precipitate in a refrigerated specimen is caused by:
- hemoglobin
- urobilin
- uroerythrin
- beets
3 - uroerythrin
Microscopic examination of a clear urine that produces a white precipitate after refrigeration will show:
- amorphous urates
- porphyrins
- amourphous phosphates
- yeast
3 - amorphous phophates
The color of urine containing porphyrins will be:
- yellow brown
- green
- orange
- port wine
4 - port wine
Which of the following specific gravities would be most likely to correlate with a pale yellow urine:
- 1.005
- 1.010
- 1.020
- 1.030
1 - 1.005
A urine specific gravity measured by refractometer is 1.029, and the temperature of the urine is 14oC. The specific gravity should be reported as:
- 1.023
- 1.027
- 1.029
- 1.032
3 - 1.029
The principle of refractive index is to compare:
- light velocity in solutions with light velocity in solids
- light velocity in air with light velocity in solutions
- light scattering by air with light scattering by solutions
- light scattering by particles in solution
2 - light velocity in air with light velocity in solutions
A correlation exists between a specific gravity by refractometer of 1.050 and a:
- 2+ glucose
- 2+ protein
- first morning specimen
- radiographic dye infusion
4 - Radiographic dye infusion
A cloudy urine specimen turns black upon standing and has a specific gravity of 1.012. The major concern about this specimen would be:
- color
- turbidity
- specific gravity
- all of the above
1 - Color
A specimen with a specific gravity of 1.035 would be considered:
- isosthenuric
- hyposthenuric
- hypersthenuric
- not urine
3 - hypersthenuric
A specimen with a specific gravity of 1.001 would be considered:
- hyposthenuric
- not urine
- hypersthenuric
- isothernuric
2 - not urine
A strong odor of ammonia in a urine specimen could indicate:
- ketones
- normalcy
- phenylketonuria
- an old specimen
4 - an old specimen
The microsopic of a clear red urine is reported as many WBCs and epithelial cells. What does this suggests:
- urinary tract infection
- dilute random specimen
- hematuria
- possible mixup of specimen and sediment
4 - possible mix up of specimen and sediment
Which of the following would contribute the most to a urine osmolality:
- one osmole of lucose
- one osmole of urea
- one osmole of sodium chloride
- all contribute equally
3 - one osmole of sodium chloride
Which of the following colligative properties is not stated correctly:
- the boiling pointing is raised by solute
- the freezing point is raised by solute
- the vapor pressure is lowered by solute
- the osmotic pressure is raised by solute
2 - the freezing point is raised by solute
An osmole contains:
- one gram molecular weight of solute dissolved in one liter of solvent
- one gram molecular weight of solute dissolved in one kilogram of solvent
- two gram molecular weights of solute dissolved in one liter of solvent
- two gram molecular weights of solute dissolved in one kilogram of solvent
2 - one gram molecular weight of solute dissolved in one kilogram of solvent
The unit of osmolality measured in the clinical laboratory is the:
- osmole
- miliosmole
- molecular weight
- ionic charge
1 - osmole
In the reagent strip specific gravity reaction the polyelectrolyte:
- combines with hydrogen ions in response to ion concentration
- relases hydrogen ions in response to ion concentration
- relases hydrogen ions in response to pH
- combines with sodium ions in response to pH
2 - relases hydrogen ions in response to ion concentration
Which of the following will react in the reagent strip specific gravity test:
- glucose
- radiographic dye
- protein
- chloride
4 - chloride
Pourquoi on veut un urine du matin:
Les cristaux, les cylindres et les cellules se conservent mieux.
Délai raisonnable pour un échantillon d’urine:
2 heures à la température de la pièce et 24 heures au fridge
On ajoute souvent aux collectes d’urine de 24 heures un préservatif dans le but de:
- réduire l’action bactérienne
- réduire la décomposition chimique, soit d’analytes ou éléments formés
- solubiliser certains constituants peu solubles
- diminuer l’oxydation atmosphérique de composé instables
Les porphyrines sont conservé toujours dans:
Une base
Quels sont les préservatifs les plus communs:
- HCl
- acide acétique glacial
Sédiment rosé:
Urates amorphes
Sédiment rougeâtre:
Cellules rouges
Sédiment blanc ou gris:
Posphates amorphes
Urine visqueux filant:
Présence de pus ou de sang
Mousse blanche dans l’urine:
Présence d’albumine
Présence de mousse jaune dans l’urine:
Odeur de souris:
fièvres très élevées
Odeur ammoniaque:
Urémie grave, infection, vieille urine
Odeur d’acétone:
acidose diabétique
Odeur de sirop d’érable:
Urine incolore:
fortement dilué
Urine jaune foncé:
urine concentré
Urine blanchatre:
Urine grisatre:
Urine rosée
Urine laiteuse:
Urine brun, brun-noir
- hématine
- méthémoglobine
- mélanine
Urine rougeatre:
- sang
- myoglobine
- hémoglobine
Urine verdatre:
- bleu de méthylène
Urine ambre ou acajou:
pigments biliaires
Valeurs normales de la gravité spécifique:
1.005-1.030 g/ml
> 2.5 L
< 400 ml par jour
< 50 ml par jour
Signification clinique d’une gravité spécifique diminuée:
- ingestion de grande quantité de liquide
- diabète insipide
- maladie rénale
- diurétique
Signification clinique d’une gravité spécifique élevée:
- urine du matin
- diabète mellitus
- déshydratation
- protéinurie
Valeur normal du pH:
Comment on mesure le pH;
électrode à pH ou un papier indicateur
Indicateurs de pH sur la bandelette:
- rouge méthyle: rouge à jaune (4.2-6.3)
- bleu de bromothymol: jaune à bleu (6.0-7.6)
Interférence du pH:
- préservatifs acide/base
- drogues (couleurs)
- vielle urine (perte de CO2)
- présence de bactéries (bactéries convertit l’urée à l’ammoniaque)
Significations cliniques d’un urine acide:
- diète haute en protéines
- jeûne
- diabète mellitus
- acidose
Significations cliniques d’un urine alcalin:
- présence de bactéries
- alcalose métabolique
- alcalose respiratoire
Valeur normal des protéines:
Principe du test des protéines:
Ce test repose sur le principe de l’erreur des indicateurs en présence de protéines.
Réaction des protéines:
bleu tetrabromophénol + protéines —————-> bleu vert
<sup>pH 3.0</sup>
Si on veut tester autre chose que l’albumine:
On fait un test de précipitation acide avec TCA ou SSA
Quelle est la meilleure indication d’une maladie rénale:
La présence de protéines dans l’urine.
Combien de pourcentage de protéines excrétés sont l’albumine:
Quelle est la protéine responsable pour la formation de cylindres:
Significations cliniques d’une protéinurie physiologique:
- excercice excessif
- protéinurie orthostatique
- grossesse
Signification clinique d’une protéinurie pathologique:
- syndrome néphrotique
- glomérulonéphrite
- myélome multiple
- fanconi
Faux positif de protéines:
- urine alcaline
- présence de trace de désinfectant utilisant l’ammoniaque quaternaire
Réactif utilisé pour le test de Bence-Jones:
Précipitation des protéines par 1ml de HCl concentré
Syndrome de Fanconie:
Tubule rénale
Maladie de Wilson:
Diminution de céruloplasmine (transporte le Cu donc augmentation de cuivre dans les tissus)
Maladie d’Addison:
Diminution ALD
Valeur normal du glucose dans l’urine:
Réaction du glucose:
Glucose + O2 ————————-> acide gluconique + H2O2
<sup>glucose oxydase</sup>
H2O2 + tétraméthylbenzidine ou KI —————————–> chromogène oxydé + H2O
<span> peroxydase</span>
Faux positif du glucose:
oxydants (javex)
Faux négatif du glucose:
antioxydants, acide ascorbique
Principe de réaction Bénédict (clinitest):
Épreuve de sucres réducteurs
Quels sont les réactifs dans la réaction Bénédict:
- sulfate de cuivre
- acide citrique
- NaOH
- bicarbonate de sodium
Valeur normal des corps cétoniques:
Quel est le principe de la réaction des cétones:
Réaction de Rothera utilisant le nitroprussiate de sodium.