Urinary System Pathologies Flashcards
Number and Size Anomalies of the Kidney
Renal Agenesis
Supernumerary Kidney
A relatively rare anomaly that demonstrates as the absence of the kidney on one side (unilateral) with an unusually large kidney on the other side
Renal Agenesis
The ____ kidney is more frequently missing and it is more common among males in renal agenesis
The absence of both kidneys is termed
Potter syndrome or bilateral agenesis
Also relatively rare and consists of the presence of third small, rudimentary kidney
Supernumerary Kidney
It has no parenchymal attachment to a kidney and it often becomes symptomatic as a result of an infection
Supernumerary Kidney
A rare anomaly of kidney size involving a kidney that is developed less than normal
It is usually associated with hyperplasia of the other kidney
Fusion anomalies of the kidney
Horseshoe Kidney
Crossed Ectopy
a condition in which the lower poles of the kidneys are joined across midline by a band of soft tissues, causing a rotation on one or both side
Horseshoe Kidney
one kidney lies across the midline and is fused with the other kidney
Crossed Ectopy
generally lies inferior to the uncrossed one, and its ureter crosses the midline to enter the bladder on the proper side
Crossed Ectopy
Position Anomalies of the Kidney
Ectopic Kidney
consist of incomplete or excessive rotation of the kidney as they ascend from the pelvis in utero
one that is out of its normal position, usually lower than normal.
Ectopic Kidney
Such kidneys are often in a pelvic or sacral location
Ectopic Kidney
Renal Pelvis and Ureter Anomalies
Double Renal Pelvis and Double Ureter
these are frequent and they can be unilateral or bilateral
Double Renal Pelvis and Double Ureter
this condition impairs renal drainage, predisposing the patient to infection and formation of calculi
Double Renal Pelvis and Double Ureter
Lower Urinary Tract Anomalies
Ureteral Diverticula
Bladder Diverticula
Urethral Valves
cyst-like dilations of a ureter near its opening into the bladder and usually result from stenosis of the urethral orifice
radiographically, presents a filling defect in the bladder with a characteristic “cobra head” appearance
This causes obstruction and kidney infection and the treatment involves surgical removal to allow for increased flow of urine into the bladder
a congenital anomaly representing a dilated, branched ureteric remnant and is best demonstrated by retrograde urography
Ureteral Diverticula