Skeletal System Pathologies 3 Flashcards
the cortex breaks on one side without separation or
breaking of the opposing cortex.
found almost exclusively in infants and children because of the softness of the cancellous bone
another type of complete, noncomminuted fracture in whichtwo or more complete fractures occur involving the shaft of a single bone
an avulsion fracture of a small fragment or chip of bone from the corner of a phalanx or other long bone
type of incomplete fracture resulting from penetration by a sharp object such a bullet or a knife
occurs when the fifth metacarpal fractures as a result of a blow to or with the hand
one of the proximal third of the ulna shaft, with anterior
dislocation of the radial head
Basilar Skull Fractures
appear as straight, sharply defined, nonbranching lines
and are intensely radioluscent
appears as a curvilinear density because the fracture edges are overlapped
air-fluid levels in the sphenoid sinus and/or clouding of the mastoid air cells are often the only radiographic finding
suggesting a fracture
Basilar Skull Fractures
very difficult to demonstrate radiographically
Basilar Skull Fractures
generally result from a blow to the face
Facial Bone
maybe difficult to recognize initially because of the edema
Zygomatic Arch Fracture
may be indicated by clinical signs, which include black eyes, flattening of the cheek, and/or a restriction of the movement of the mandible
Zygomatic Arch Fracture
generally detected by the patient’s inability to open the mouth and pain when moving the mandible
Mandibular Fractures
these fracture also cause a misalignment of the patient’s teeth
Mandibular Fractures
serious because of the adjacent nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, orbit and close proximity of the brain
Fractures of the Maxilla
results from a direct blow to the front of the orbit, thus
transferring the force to the orbital walls and floor
occurs in the thinnest, weakest portion of the orbit, i.e., the orbital floor just above the maxillary sinuses
occurs when the zygomatic or malar bone is fractured at all three suture: frontal, temporal, and maxillary
may be accompanied by a fracture of the ascending process of the maxillae and/or the nasal septum, which is composed of the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
Nasal Bone Fracture
implies that a bone is out of its joint and not in contact with its normal articulation.
a partial dislocation, often occurring with a fracture